Hi @yarone,
I am sorry that you are having such a long delay on your support reply. To be honest with you we had a huge surge of support past two weeks that overwhelmed our support team and we are working our best as a company to make sure everyone gets the correct answers as fast as possible but we are delayed for sure.
Let me try to answer all your questions here:
Questions one and two:
Those are two features that we are working to support very soon, our recurring events have been problematic in the past due to how bad for performance our legacy recurrence system used to work, we are about 12months in to a project that should be completed now around end Q2 of 2022 that will allow us to start tackling a single Ticket shared across a Series of events, but it’s not something we support right now. We have wanted to have two features for a long time…
So to be clear, the best way is to duplicate the Event and re-create the tickets, I know it’s a bit more work but that is the only way the current system can ensure that Events are properly setup.
Buying the current Events Pro would not fix your issue as Recurrence and Tickets don’t play well just yet.
Question three, yes you will need to duplicate since WPML and The Events Calendar have different systems, but that is a feature I could see others wanting it, our Product Owners regularly pull ideas from this place here:
Question four, yes duplicated Events will need a new Ticket, normally the way I like to Setup is a Private Event that has all the information but no Tickets, so I can duplicate the original one and just create the ticket on the duplicate without having to worry about internal associations between the ID of the Event and Tickets, which can cause issues depending on your usage.
Hopefully that answer all of your questions, if not let me know I am more than glad to try to help more.
Best Regards,