• Resolved agentnew


    is there a solution to keep the reviews updated automaticly from FAcebook ? they become gray on my website after some time and new reviews doesnt appear , I should reconnect and configure each time ?


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  • Plugin Author richplugins


    Hi @agentnew,

    By default, they are synchronized and the synchronization time depends on the cache option settings (Advance Options section). The problem is that Facebook often disconnect the API, for instance, for security reasons or a new version of the API. Unfortunately, there is no solution to this problem on our part, since this is happens on Facebook side and user just needs to reconnect FB connection.

    However for the exact concept of what is wrong, please send debug information from the settings page of the plugin to support [at] richplugins.com


    Plugin Author richplugins


    Hi @agentnew,

    I hope the issue has been resolved by reconnecting. Please let me know if it’s not. At the moment I resolve this topic.


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