• Arcusweb


    Version 5.9.6 applies the default maxlength validation rule to text fields (text, email, telephone number, URL, and text area) if they have no maxlength option. The default maxlength value is 80 for single-line text and 400 for a text area. If your fields expect text input longer than the default value, set the maxlength option explicitly.

    Why ?

    Why not make the default text field unlimited? There are many users who receive forms with more than 400 characters in their contact form messages.


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  • Thread Starter Arcusweb


    When you see this, but you’ve manually spent a morning updating everything on the client sites by hand because version 5.9.6 applied the default maxlength validation rule to text fields ( text , email , phone number , URL and text box ) if they didn’t have a maxlength option. A default maxlength of 80 for text on a single line and 400 for a text zone. A maxlength option that had to be explicitly defined :

    7 5.9.7 Increases the default?maxlength?value to 400 for a single-line text field and to 2,000 for a text area.

    What a waste of time!

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