• hello all,

    Im new to the wordpress forum and was wondering why my previous query went unanswered?
    Many subsequent posts here have been answered while I still have no response. Maybe it is that there is no solution to the error in my wordpress setup but I though people might have some ideas here at least. Anyway, my previous query was this:


    Hi all, I have no idea what has happened here. My blog (https://www.shanx.co.uk/wordpress) posts have somehow included themselves on all my ‘pages’. So instead of my “News” section (the blog home) being the only page with the posts, all others (My Music, Writings etc)have them too and the posts have replaced the content I want to appear of the pages. The posts are somehow being included in all other pages. Just before this happened, I created new page called links and had tried to include the links in a new links page by itself. I have since deleted this page and the problem reamains. Also, my “photography” gallery2 page works fine.

    Any help greatly appreciated,


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  • this?


    Its TWO hours old. We volunteer. And reposting your question here doesnt help matters. Patience is a virtue.

    and THIS post is posted in the wrong forum. THIS post is in troubleshooting .. and its not a troubleshooting question, unless of course youre just reposting your original question .. in which case, than it’s a dupe and ought to be locked.

    Thread Starter shanx99


    yes that is the original post. Sorry to be impatient… I just thought I had done something wrong seeing as other posts had 20 replies in this time. Ill keep waiting then and I am very appreciative of any help and realise you are volunteers!

    Thanks in advance


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