• Resolved Grzegorz.Janoszka


    I have already a system cron poking my wordpress every few minutes. Is it not possible to use system cron with this plugin? Why does it have to use its own cron despite identical functionality built-in wordpress?
    I have just installed this plugin and I am testing it. So far the experiences are far from positive – I couldn’t activate this plugin. I was clicking to enable it, but it stayed disabled. Then it logged me out on dimissing the anoying ad.
    Well, I hope it will be better later on. Please let me know about using the system cron. Thanks!

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  • Plugin Author Icegram


    Hi @grzegorzjanoszka,

    Email Subscribers plugin only provides you Cron url. You can use that Cron url and setup Cron however you like. You can’t use your own cron.

    I couldn’t activate this plugin. I was clicking to enable it, but it stayed disabled. Then it logged me out on dimissing the anoying ad.

    This is strange. Are you using latest version of WordPress & Email Subscribers? Could you please have a check with only Email Subscribers active on your site.

    Thread Starter Grzegorz.Janoszka


    Well, so you are reengineering the wheel. WordPress has built-in cron and I think it is quite a waste of time to copy the same in your plugin. That leads to unnecessary complexity – more code is more potential for security holes and so on. I would have to maintain two system cron calls – one for you and the other for wordpress.
    For me the fact that you don’t want to (or don’t know how to) use built-in cron is services big no-go for this plugin. Why do you use wordpress after all? Using your approach you should write your own wordpress ??
    Thanks for your efforts in replying, I will look for some other plugin.

    Plugin Author Icegram



    Yes, we understand that WordPress has built-in cron functionality. However, the same functionality is designed in such a way that the cron will trigger only if someone visits your WordPress site.

    So, in case of Email Subscribers if you have set that the post notifications mails or for that matter any of the newsletters to be sent via cron and if Email Subscribers had been internally routing using wp-cron then the sending of the same mails would have been dependent on the visitor visiting your site.

    So, in order to remove dependency, we have designed Email Subscribers to use independent cron functionality.

    Explaining further, we had got request from majority of Email Subscribers users where in the WP Cron was disabled on their site and hence they were not able to use built-in cron.

    Also, we do have plans to re-vamp the entire Email Subscribers plugin and we’ll surely consider your suggestions during that.

    Thread Starter Grzegorz.Janoszka


    You are not right. The default is to run cron when someone visits the site, but you can also call WP cron from system (server) crontab. I use this solution and it works perfectly – WP cron is called regardless there are visitors at that moment or not.

    Plugin Author Icegram



    We do understand that the WP cron can also be called from the system crontab, however, as the same is not a part of its default behaviour we had earlier not designed the email subscribers cron to work using the same.

    Also, we have taken a note of your valuable suggestion and also will discuss within the team and implement the cron using WP cron in the future versions.

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