• Resolved Pete


    A new plugin repo website needs a link to the “Newest Plugins” to ALL users not just logged in or plugin authors. This was a major downfall of the last plugin repo website.

    Let’s give the newest plugin authors a break and provide a link to the latest (and greatest) plugins… Who’s with me on this quest?

    Love Pete

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  • Thread Starter Pete



    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Pete.


    How will the user find new plugin browse url on WordPress new plugin directory.

    This links – https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/browse/new/ is not visible at there. I think this link will display like this at there – https://postimg.org/image/goz1qdtbl/.

    Also please add plugin filter option to find new plugins for each keyword. For example if will search “gallery” keyword then will able to find new plugins related to only “gallery” keyword.

    I have one more suggestion that please add filter option for plugin to filter them by their updated date (related to keyword) like this – https://postimg.org/image/nkcfu1vmr/

    I recommend this and hope that WordPress will like these suggestions.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by wpshopmart.
    Thread Starter Pete


    Thanks, I’m not sure why this can’t be done!

    new plugins

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    What value does seeing “new plugins” give you? Why would you need to know or search for what plugins are new?

    People look for plugins to solve problems they are having. Just having a most-recent listing doesn’t seem helpful or useful to me, so I’m genuinely curious as to the purposes for which you would find such a listing.

    Thread Starter Pete


    What value does seeing “new plugins” give you?

    I’m glad you asked. It gives me and other newbies to WP.org a huge fearure of being able to easily discover and browse all the newest plugins, just like themes.

    Why would you need to know or search for what plugins are new?

    I’m glad you asked. I like knowing about and searching for new plugins. Why? Because there are many really good ones out there, just like themes.

    People look for plugins to solve problems they are having.

    They sure do, they also search for themes that fit their design objectives. People also look for the newest plugins to find something that might be useful. I love browsing new plugins. The same as people love browsing new recipes (Spaghetti Bolognaise is Spaghetti Bolognaise but there’s always a new way to make it or twist to the recipe).

    Just having a most-recent listing doesn’t seem helpful or useful to me.

    I guessed that, but luckily most of the people who use the repo aren’t anything like you. You’re not a new plugin developer hoping someone will see their plugin in an ocean of plugins. Maybe if there’s a link plugin developers won’t have to do the silly practice rating their own plugin 5 stars to try to get a little recognition. WP.org’s plugin developers are the backbone of this great Open Source project and they deserve to have a newest link the same as themes do.

    Why not try it, stick up a newest/latest link and see what the stats say. The fact that there’s no link doesn’t give you a chance to see the ‘worth’ in having it there in the first place.

    “Build it and they will come”

    It’s not going to impact significantly on time or effort to implement so why not give it a go. You might be pleasantly surprised how people take on an interest in browsing through new plugins.

    Did you know there have been some awesome new plugins released that rival the more popular plugins but are more or less lost in the sea of search results?

    Let’s support the plugin authors.

    Thread Starter Pete


    Case in point…
    This new plugin – https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/easy-polls/ doesn’t show up on the first 5 pages of search results for “polls”. In fact other “non-poll” related plugins show up. Seeing this result genuinely makes me feel sorry for new plugin developers.

    I am with you @perthmetro

    Thread Starter Pete


    In the “old days” there used to be a newest plugin link but it was only visible to those who had a plugin author account.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin


    I’m glad you asked. It gives me and other newbies to WP.org a huge fearure of being able to easily discover and browse all the newest plugins, just like themes.

    I’m glad you asked. I like knowing about and searching for new plugins. Why? Because there are many really good ones out there, just like themes.

    People also look for the newest plugins to find something that might be useful. I love browsing new plugins.

    The problem is that that doesn’t really answer my original question. I asked what value seeing new plugins gives you, and your answer is basically that you like to look at what plugins are new. You see my dilemma here?

    What’s the use-case? Do you install new plugins frequently? Do new plugins solve a problem you have? What about “new” is special here, exactly?

    I guessed that, but luckily most of the people who use the repo aren’t anything like you.

    Actually, they are more like me than they are apparently like you. The plugins directory searches tend to be more focused on what problems are trying to be solved, not on generic browsing. Remember, most people aren’t browsing this website, they’re doing searches of plugins from their own WordPress sites, through the API. What we present here is largely a pretty face on top of that system.

    You’re not a new plugin developer hoping someone will see their plugin in an ocean of plugins.

    As always, I have to constantly remind people that this isn’t an App Store. This is not a marketplace. The plugins are free. If you’re a “new developer” and you’re relying on the plugin directory for promotion or income, then you are making a critical mistake.

    WP.org’s plugin developers are the backbone of this great Open Source project and they deserve to have a newest link the same as themes do.

    I find the comparisons to the theme directory to be misguided. Themes are all about the look of the thing. It’s very visual. People browse themes looking at the pictures of what they look like. They’re not looking for functionality as much as they are looking for form. But plugins are all about functionality and usually very little to do with the look of the thing. People use plugins to solve problems and so they primarily search for them in the search engine, but they browse themes because they’re looking for something visual rather than descriptive.

    Thread Starter Pete


    Themes are all about the look of the thing… plugins are all about functionality and usually very little to do with the look of the thing.

    [giggles] OK, umm, how many plugins are for the visual presentation of data? Lots! How many themes have plain themes with a high degree of functionality? Lots.

    I’ll spell out the value… All plugins that do the ‘same thing’ are not the same. New plugins may have a better UI, better/up-to-date coding, other ‘little’ things that make it friggin’ awesome. The newest plugin link isn’t just about helping new developers (heavens to betsy, we wouldn’t dream of ever wanting that to happen!), it’s also about helping the plugins get out there themselves.

    The plugins directory searches tend to be more focused on what problems are trying to be solved, not on generic browsing.

    Yeah umm, cause there’s very little way to browse except for the featured or the most popular. Like I said you’ll never know how much use the newest plugin link will have because it’ll never be up there to be used. My prediction, it’ll be hugely popular, not because everyone is screaming for it like me, but because it’s a good idea and has worth.

    Do you install new plugins frequently?

    Yes, very. I’m one of the few who have the newest plugin link bookmarked/know about it. It’s there, it’s just not publicised (that’s all we’re asking… publicise the link). I love trying new plugins to see if they are better than the current ones I have… Often they aren’t, often they are!

    Do new plugins solve a problem you have?

    OK let’s get this whole “problem” thing sorted. WP plugins have matured over the years, and our attitudes towards WP have as well (WordPress is only for blogging!). Plugins are about solving problems, AND about doing it THE WAY WE LIKE. So, yes if the “problem” is searching for the a plugin that can do it better etc, then yes, the newest link has absolutely helped me, lots! I’ve found some really great plugins in my daily browsing. One of the REALLY big pluses is as the website world is changing so are plugins(really quickly) and the newest plugin link is a great place to jump on the bandwagon. Also, new plugins are coming on that I didn’t think I wanted, but when I’ve seen them, I’ve said “Hey, what an awesome idea! I never thought of that! It would suit my website awesomely and give my website a great feature – thanks new/innovative/modern-thinking plugin author! In the recently older days of the old forum I even spent a lot of time asking plugin developers to add screenshots of both their front and backend, as well as setting their mime-type correctly.

    What about “new” is special here, exactly?

    As above, but like I said, you’re not a plugin enthusiast like me. I truely value and get excited in seeing what’s new in WP, and plugins are a little bit of geeky joy. Don’t be too dismissive of new authors, they keep a lot of people in a job.

    p.s. even if we could sort our search results by date updated, now that would be amazing!.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Pete.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Pete.
    Thread Starter Pete


    As evidence of my enthusiasm for new plugins check out my favourite plugins page. Now if only we could have a better way to categorise them ??

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    @perthmetro Actually, that link shows the current user’s favorite plugins. So I see my own favorites there, not yours.

    If you want to link to a list of your own favorites, use your profile page:

    But, essentially, having that many plugins favorited shows me that yours is very much an edge case. It doesn’t help your argument any.

    Thread Starter Pete


    Why bother having the function/url of a newest/latest plugins list but not want to advertise it, promote it, make WP users aware of it? So, in fact, the case is already there. I’m struggling to see how you can justify why you are actively keeping it from the masses?


    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    To be honest, we leave it available for users like yourself only. If it were up to me, I’d kill all traces of it, forever. We allow a small contingent to continue to use the new listings because we prefer to phase useless things out over time, as opposed to instantly ending them.

    I see no value in “new” as a concept. But, hey, I see new plugins everyday. Most of them are not great.

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