Hey menkom,
Thanks for your interest in trying out WP Time Capsule. I’m sorry that you feel the plugin is taking too long to backup but let me assure you that the plugin takes quite some time only during the first backup. Since the plugin has to process all the files and then upload them to your cloud repository, it takes a bit of time and again, the size of your site, the number of files and the upload bandwidth all matter.
Now this happens only during the first backup and to make things easier for you, you need not stay in front of your system till the backup completes. You can close the backup window and return back at a later time to check if the backup has completed.
Once the first backup completes, the future backups are all incremental. Which means only the few changes that take place on your site are backed up and this is also done in a jiffy.
I hope that all of your daily scheduled backups are working great now. Please do write to us at help@wptimecapsule.com should you have any further questions or concerns ??