This has nothing to do with ZIP encoding (Which IS entirely lossless.).
Nor do I think you “lost” anything.
You might simply be viewing your code file in a “dumb” viewer on Windows that cannot handle the difference in how End-of-Lines are handled on Linux versus DOS/Windows.
On Unix/Linux systems each newline in a file is representing as simply an LF (line-feed) character.. On DOS/Windows they use two characters (CR+LF, a CarriageReturn followed by a Line-feed).
SO… When you view a Linux file (with only an LF between lines) on Windows, dumb viewers (like the Windows Notepad app) do not show the LF alone. Does not see it as needing to show a new line. It visually looks like all the lines have been concatenated (combined).
Try viewing the same file in a different Windows App.. Like Wordpad, which understands the LF alone as meaning go to a fresh line on screen.
In the end, it does not matter much.. Files edited/created in Windows apps (and hence has CRs inserted as well) are understood when executed in PHP on Linux. It ignores the stupid CR characters Windows uses at the end of lines.
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by