We have actually never moved any free features to pro. Ever. This statement is completely unfounded.
If anything we’ve gone the other way and moved pro features to the free version over time.
The content security policy settings you’re referring to were actually completely removed from the plugin – both free and pro. The only CSP option we left in-place was a single setting where the user could implement completely custom CSP rules – this was always pro-only setting and was never available to the free version.
We removed those Shield options that added certain limited CSP rules. The reason we did so is outlined, in-full, in our blog here:
Also, regarding the price of PRO, I’m not sure why that’s an issue for you unless you’ve purchased a license with us – in which case your pricing wouldn’t have changed anyway. Why does our business model and product pricing matter, and why is our making adjustments to our pricing an issue for you? I’m genuinely curious. We appreciate all support our clients give us with their upgrades, but I’m not sure why our business model impacts you when you’re using the free version?
If you want to understand why we changed our pricing, you can read about it here:
It’s hard to run a business on $12/year.
As to your comment about removing it from your sites, if you feel this is best, then you have to do what you have to do. Just bear in mind, that since you’ve started using Shield, it’s only ever gotten better, with more free options added, not moved to pro. As I said, we’ve never done that.
All the best.