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  • Thanks a lot in advance!

    Thanks for your code!

    Hey Jeroen,

    Sorry to ask but did you see there was a question in my post?


    Many thanks again

    Ah, sorry for that. I don’t see it in the code though. Do you have an example page on your WP site with a (broken) JW Player?

    Hey Jeroen

    Here is the link :

    You’ll see the player does not show.
    In other pages of the website it works since I did not add any file with different sources.

    Many Thanks


    So I do see the issue in the embed code. This is that the “sources” are outside of the setup options, like this:

    image: “blabla.jpg”,
    sources: [{ …}]

    Instead, the sources should be after the } character:

    image: “blabla.jpg”,
    sources: [{ …}]

    I don’t know exactly where this goes wrong in the PHP, but hopefully this works for you to find the issue.


    when do you expect to have the removal of the logo feature at a lower price implemented.

    it works : YOU’RE THE BOSS!!

    Sorry for this dumb coding…

    Woohoo now I only need to add -x360, -x720, or -x1080 at the end of filenames to have quality implemented automatically in WordPress : what a relief! One media, several qualities : perfect.

    Many many thanks and best regards


    Just have the information JW6 does not like Facebook…
    No Og tags, so impossible to read video embedded with jwplayer6 in facebook.

    What a disappointment! ??

    Do you plan to put back this feature someday on JW6?

    Thought I’d give my 2 cents. After reading this and doing some research, I won’t be upgrading.

    One of the reasons is that I just bought the darn thing about a year ago! And now with the new pricing, I have to pay yearly for much less features? WTF? What are these guys thinking? Makes no sense.

    I hate this per year model. I just paid them a lot of money for the premium features with version 5. There is no way I can afford to pay nearly just as much every single year!

    My site generates basically zero income for me. Even with their longtail ads, I get maybe a couple bucks at most a month. There is no way I can pay them $300/year! What are these guys thinking???

    @ jason102178: We’re currently running a survey to our customers on lower pricing. We’ll probably implement something in late April or May.

    @ trashfake: Good to hear you got the multiple sources working! As to Facebook, we are looking into that at present (as well as Twitter) – didn’t get that ready in time for the 2.0 release.

    @ ned4spd8874: If your site is personal/noncommercial, you don’t have to pay us. You can simply use the Free player. Only for companies we charge a license fee. Its basic price is $100/year – the $300/year edition has many additional features like HLS streaming, GA integration and a pack of pre-built skins.

    So will the plugins that I have already purchased carry over? It hasn’t even been a year since I paid all that money for the players and the plugins!

    Google Analytics Pro, Single Skin, The Dabber DNA, Sharing and Lights Out

    My site generates basically zero income. There is NO way I can justify paying monthly.

    You can keep on using JW Player 5, which is supported in the 2.0 version of WordPress too.

    @jeroen Wijering

    sorry to say this is the stupidest thing i have ever heard of you talked about lowering the price, because the 99 a year was just ridiculous, and while i see on the jw player site that you did away with the 99 a year plan..

    and you implemented the 9.00 a month plan to get rid of the water mark, that is more expensive yet, it comes out to be 108…

    to get rid of the watermark i think 45 a year would be a good place to start. but most companys only have the customer pay a one time charge to get rid of the watermark not a monthly or yearly thing.

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