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  • Well I did this so that the markup/class structure would match the regular tag cloud, so that if you had your theme style the regular tag cloud in a particular way, the same styles would apply for my plugin.

    I tried to state this in the upgrade notice and changelog. Sorry if it has caused problems for you..

    so, may be this is a reason that tags of UTC looks exactly the same like tags from in-built theme tags widget? The problem is your widget doesn’t react to any changes now, and looks all the time like defined in-built widget – and ofcourse I installed it, becouse I wanted this to look different. Is there anything I can do with it? (and by the way; it’s a great plugin, I hope it would work)

    For some people it was considered a bug that the plugin wasn’t using the regular WordPress tag cloud classes, since it would mess up the layout of the plugin in some themes.

    I’ve gotten a couple of comments about this change and I’m starting to consider maybe adding an option to go back to the old way where the regular tag cloud styling would be disregarded.

    I understand the idea you had by changing css class, but in fact right now ‘appearance’ section in plugins settings just don’t work at all…

    Your plugin is the one I was looking for quite long time, complexity, exluding/including + tags list, it’s all so great – but for now I can’t use it, will be waiting for any change about it’s appearance settings, cheers.

    This option is now available in beta in the next version:

    Or use WP-CLI:

    rm -rf wp-content/plugins/ultimate-tag-cloud-widget/
    wp plugin install ultimate-tag-cloud-widget --version=2.6-beta1

    works like a charm! thanks a lot for your work, it shall not be forgotten;)

    !wow, there is a problem, checked on two different domains – when I choose “avoid theme styling” UTC cuts off all widgets below and pushes them at the bottom of the page, under the main content… (live example:

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