Greetings, and thank you for the comment about my theme. With regards to your question, it’s designed that way and has colour with a top and bottom border for the outer container and then there is an inner part that goes just 25% of the overall width. The styling for this is found in the style.css around line 1024 and looks like this:
.modline-inner {
You can do custom CSS to change that if you want the width to be wider or the full width.
As a side note, I should mention that I will be discontinuing Preference Lite soon, but will be replaced with a new theme based on this theme and is called “Preferential Lite” once the WP theme reviewers approve it. There were too many changes I wanted to do with Preference Lite, so I decided to rebuild it from the ground up. If you want to see a live demo of it, check it out HERE.