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  • Thread Starter bayouboogaloo


    …know what, I put them in block quotes in testing. Let me try that. Thanks–CL

    Plugin Contributor Chris Dillon


    Try this:

    .wpmtst-widget-container .content {
    	width: auto;

    That’s a really nice theme but it sets a width on the content class which the plugin also uses. I have not come up with a universal solution yet.

    Thread Starter bayouboogaloo


    Chris-that worked. Put it in the main structure–seems to be work as desired.

    The quote animation seems to hang (pulsates/pauses longer than 1s(which its set for))
    – I need to clean up my testimonial text and double check settings.

    The captcha image isn’t showing on the reviews form of the active review/testimonial page. I deactivated/deleted captcha and reinstalled w/ same issue. Installed captcha is Myoshi’s. Reviewed Myoshi’s instructions–don’t quite follow it.

    Plugin Contributor Chris Dillon


    I recommend putting that code either in a child theme or using a custom CSS plugin so it won’t be overwritten by a theme update or when I update Strong, which is often. Let me know if you need help with that.

    I’ve never seen the fade effect be anything other than smooth. Is your site live? If so, I can peek under the hood to look for gremlins.

    I apologize for the lack of documentation. Support for Miyoshi’s Really Simple Captcha is built in to Strong and working well so far. After installing his plugin, you should be able to select it on the Testimonials > Settings page. That’s it, no other settings and nothing else to add.

    Thread Starter bayouboogaloo


    Fade effect is now working smoothly.

    No worries on the lack of documentation–its likely user error (me) for now. I can select the ‘captcha’ option on Testimonials>Settings however, on the “live” post “review” page, no captcha image is displayed. I did test to see if I could get past the page without an entry–no dice (as it should).

    I looked at the live demo shortcode and tried entering that under the ST shortcode, but that didn’t work–again, I’m new to shortcode and a novice at best w/ CSS.


    Plugin Contributor Chris Dillon


    The code for Really Simple Captcha is fully integrated into Strong. After adding [wpmtst-form] to a page, you do not have to add anything else.

    Just to be clear, you are clicking “Save Changes” after selecting the Captcha plugin in Testimonials > Settings, yes?

    Really Simple Captcha stores the image in a subdirectory temporarily so it does require write access which you may need to set. Are you working on your own Windows machine or on a remote Unix server?

    Even if Really Simple Captcha could not add itself to the form, you should still see the heading “Captcha” above where it should be on the form. Is that the case?

    Thread Starter bayouboogaloo


    Chris-I’ll run through it again–best possible culprit might be write access–I’m on an OS working remotely (go daddy hosted). the Captcha GUI shows on the page but the Captcha (image~required code) is not.///CL

    Thread Starter bayouboogaloo


    For instance–
    Enter this code:

    No image/code displays.

    I assume I do have to have the Captha plugin also installed? Or if it is integrated could this be causing a conflict?

    Plugin Contributor Chris Dillon


    If it was not installed, it would not be on your list in Settings.

    We should enable WordPress debug mode to see if any errors are being logged.

    Thread Starter bayouboogaloo


    Installed ‘deprecated calls’ and debug bar and its component. These are what I got from ‘deprecated calls’. I think I need to add some lines into the index.php for debug to work correctly, I need to re read the installation notes.

    – Incorrect Use of wp_enqueue_style()
    Used in wp-content/plugins/post-series/series-of-posts.php on line 13.

    – Function: get_settings()
    Used in wp-content/plugins/widgets-on-pages/widgets_on_pages.php on line 285.

    – Argument in add_options_page()
    Used in wp-content/plugins/wp-typography/class-wpTypography.php on line 707.

    – Argument in current_user_can()
    An admin menu page is using user levels instead of capabilities. There is likely a related log item with specifics.

    Thread Starter bayouboogaloo


    And this…

    wp-admin/menu-header.php:139 – Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead.

    Plugin Contributor Chris Dillon


    Here’s what I use for debugging, which has been a lot lately ??

    The default config.php has this:

    define('WP_DEBUG', false);

    Change it to this during development:

    define('WP_DEBUG',     true); // Turn debugging ON
    define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true); // Turn logging to wp-content/debug.log ON

    The next time you load the form page, any errors will be logged to wp-content/debug.log. If there are any for Captcha or Strong, send the log to me at chris at wpmission dot com.

    In the meanwhile, I will try to duplicate the problem here. Thanks for your patience as we work this out.

    Plugin Contributor Chris Dillon


    I didn’t catch that you posted a link to the page. That helps.

    The Captcha image URL is on Is this a site or is it self-hosted? If it’s self-hosted and you have Jetpack installed, try deactivating Jetpack.

    No matter … Sorry

    Thread Starter bayouboogaloo


    Hey Dillon–sorry, been tied up at work. Let me give this a shot.

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