• Resolved rcain



    Been using this plugin successfully on a number of sites & find it incredibly usefull.

    However, on current site we are working on it breaks the theme entirely with white screen of death. Details are:

    WP: V 3.8 (though same result with previous 3.7)
    Theme: https://cyberchimps.com/store/responsivepro/ – latest version, (though same result with previous version)
    Widget Logic Plugin: V0.5.7 (though same results with previous version).

    All other plugins deactivated.

    Note: It does NOT seem to break a Child theme of Responsive – which is strange.

    Any idea what might be causing it/where I should start tracing/debugging?


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  • Thread Starter rcain


    ps. it also seems to break the new 2014 theme in the same way.

    Thread Starter rcain


    pps. although i have the plugin activated, i have NO widget logic expressions entered in any of the widgets – still breaks theme.

    Thread Starter rcain


    ppps. Via experimentation, I have found that although widget logic does indeed seem to break some pages of Responsive theme, it is Responsive theme iteslf which actually appears broken, since it shows white ecreen of death when wp settings hope page = static page is also selected.

    I Will get on to cyberchimp & see what they have to say.

    see if changing the ‘load logic’ trigger from the default does anything. (see installation and screenshot tabs)

    Thread Starter rcain


    Hi Alan,

    Thanks very much for the response.

    Tried all possible combinations of: Widget Logic Options – ‘Load Logic’, ‘Use wp_reset_query_fix’ & ‘Add widget content filter’ – all same result I’m afraid – white screen of death on all front-end pages.

    NOTE: I get the same result using the new WP 3.8 + 2014 Theme – which should be easier for you to test & replicate the issue.

    definitely not seeing any issues with 3.8 and “twenty fourteen” theme. sorry, not sure what to suggest next for troubleshooting.

    try using the ‘export options’ to save out your various WL and then blanking your WL codes widget by widget. it might just be some code that no longer works – a function that you are using that’s changed subtly.

    Thread Starter rcain


    thanks for taking a look Alan,

    Very strange indeed.

    I will do some further investigation – maybe its a corrupt wp install my end (I can’t see what else it can be – nothing else active).

    I’ll let you know what I find.

    All best

    I too am experiencing WSOD after upgrade to WP 3.8. I’ve tried using older versions of widget logic as far back as 0.54 but still WSOD

    To clarify, when I disable all plugins except widget-logic, I get this error on any page:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_tree() in C:\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\widget-logic\widget_logic.php(284) : eval()’d code on line 1

    Welp, I’m a retard. The 3.8 update overwrote the functions.php file that had my written is_tree() function .

    I just ran into the same issue as @optica. The issue was that I had is_tree() calls in my Widget Logic settings for some inactive widgets. Doh! Removing that and re-saving those widgets resolved it for me.

    The situation was that I used Widget logic a long time ago on this WP install. And now some years later I wanted to use it again but got the above error code when going to any page in the frontend.

    Thread Starter rcain


    Totally forgot to close this issue. My apologies.

    Just for the record, I determined the cause of my problem to be similar to conclusion Optica & Ben reached above – namely:

    – I had defined a custom function in my theme functions.php which i had then referenced in one of my widget logic rules – thence, i inadvertently updated theme, therefore function undefined, therefore white screen of death.

    What’s ultimiately required to make this safer i think is either a try-catch loop (& app. error management) around expression eval in plugin code, else some sort of pre-parse/if function_exists type tests around the same.

    if i get the timem i’ll take a closer look at the code again & see what gives.

    Hope these notes help someone else out there.

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