• Widget Logic just plain doesn’t work for my theme. I can tell you three basic things:

    1. The widget always is displayed on every page
    2. Setting logic to ‘false’ doesn’t change anything
    3. The default theme does work with widget logic

    I saw this topic:

    I think we have the exact same cases.

    So what exactly makes a theme widget logic compatible?

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  • TBH i’m surprised that the first example (exclusion) works. the built-in conditional tags like is_home() etc are set by WP by checking the query terms provided to build a page

    what you can do to troubleshoot these unusual pages is look at the whole $wp_query object with some code like this

    global $wp_query;
    echo "<PRE>";
    echo "</PRE>";

    executed somwhere on the page – add it to your footer.php temporarily perhaps. or put it in PHP widget.

    all the is_home() function does is return the value of $wp_query->is_home


    It’s odd. When I exclude categories, the value of is_home is 1. When I include them, there is no value and that’s why they aren’t being displayed. Any ideas why is_home would have no value when you are on the home page only when you include categories?

    there’s some code in query.php

    if ( empty($qv['cat']) || ($qv['cat'] == '0') ) {
    	$this->is_category = false;
    } else {
    	if (strpos($qv['cat'], '-') !== false) {
    		$this->is_category = false;
    	} else {
    		$this->is_category = true;

    which i translate as if you specify ‘cat=’ in your query then yout page will get marked as is_category unless there is at least one exclude ‘-‘ in the value given. this goes on to mark is_archive as true which then precludes is_home being set true

    you could work round it by excluding just one category you don’t care for. or alternatively you could take matters into your own hands, after you issue your bespoke query_posts, just set

    global $wp_query; $wp_query->is_home=true;

    Thanks for your input. I’ve decided to just set is_home to true on my home page and all works fine.

    Widget logic works great everywhere, but on pages.. or subpages… I checked wp_head and read all the faqs, but still i refuses to work on pages.
    Any insight, please?

    does the problem persist if you (temporarily) switch to the default theme? if not, then it’s something in your theme.

    does your theme have a page.php file? if so, does it do any custom query stuff in which case:

    have you tried setting the wp_reset_query option?

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