• Hey all,

    This is a bit strange, and I have a feeling it is caused by something I did.

    I had widget logic installed and working correctly. At some point in my theme development (and unfortunately I cannot confirm when) conditional widgets stopped showing up. It works if I delete any of the conditionals (and allow it to run on all pages) but as soon as I add something like, is_page() it will not show up at all. I did build a CPT and I am pretty sure that it worked before I added the Custom Post Type, but I can’t for the life of me rationalize why that would cause it to break.

    Any suggestions?


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  • try simply ‘true’ and ‘false’, then if they work (true shows the widget, false hides it), there is something up with the coding. Another thing to try is the wp_reset_query option.


    please post a link to your site;
    so someone might have a chance to check if you may be using any custom queries or anything that might distort the original query_string.

    general, make sure to end all custom query loops with wp_reset_query() to bring the query_string back to ‘normal’

    (this might also be caused by bugged plugins)

    Thread Starter jrstaatsiii


    thank you very much for the information, and yes it WAS in fact that I had forgotten to add wp_reset_query() — much obliged.


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