• I am trying to help a friend with a widget coding problem. The plugin is Ibcx wizard & causes this in the widget html:

    <div class="art-BlockContent-body">
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    This displays on the site as can be seen at the site:

    The way the ibcx plugin should display can be seen at my wordpress theme test site:onlinewpthemetest

    Anyone any idea what might be causing this bad character encoding?
    I appreciate & look forward to helpful replies, thanks

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  • Thread Starter richardpd


    Why is WordPress help so hard to get?
    I post here for help & get no reply-likewise on Twitter & Facebook & Google search gives no results. Direct emails get no replies.
    So frustrating trying to fix problems with WordPress & run WordPress sites. So many supposed experts in WordPress all over the web/internet yet so many posts on this forum go unanswered & none now is interested unless there is a fee involved. Some bad community open source project this has turned into.

    Never mind I WILL fix this somehow (I always do! DIY)but it is so much harder to do it alone.

    I guess the charcter encoding is png format but why this is happening & how to fix it I do not know!

    If there is anyone in the forum please reply helpfully….

    Thread Starter richardpd


    Well I still have this problem.

    I have tried removing the plugins & that has not been successful.
    I tried a reinstall of WordPress & that has not fixed the problem.

    Presently I am confused that the plugin/widget works fine in the theme on my localhostserver & on my online WordPress test site but it does not work on my friends site. I am still waiting for a reply & help from her webhoster.

    All quite strange & of noone has posted any helpful replies here.

    I remain committed to find the cause of this & fix it for my friend…

    Thread Starter richardpd


    It really seems that this problem is a serverside issue with a php & or apache server issue.
    Other friends of mine have confirmed this (quote>>it looks like the clients server is not allowing fopen to connect to the image.
    Make sure php allows this setting and the server is not in safe mode<<).
    Frustratingly I have had no help yet from the webserver hosting.

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