• I am closing in on finalizing my website using Simplify 3.02. Other than the error message that I have shared in another thread, the one remaining issue that I am still working on is the titles in my widgets. I have changed the font to Michroma and now most of the titles of my widgets are too big and are wrapping across lines. I would post a link but I currently have the site offline for the upgrade.

    Right now I have not started using a child theme as the number of modifications to my css is pretty small (yes, I know that even with only one change, a child theme is beneficial – I am also using this upgrade as an excuse to explore CSS/PHP more for familiarity as well – I will switch to a child theme shortly.) So, for these purposes, reference to existing files and code would be helpful.

    Thanks in advance for the help! BTW, I love the theme and am excited to pull the wrapper off my first “real” site.


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  • widget title
    ‘#right-sidebar .widget h3 {
    color: #555555;
    padding-bottom: 5px;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    You can specify font and size here. I changed ‘text-transform: none;’. Its looks justify to the left now.

    btw, always easy to find element property with developer tool inspector. Right click on the element and choose inspect element. I’m talking about chrome browser.

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