i didn’ìt get any answer from you, so I customized the plugin on my own.
Here is the changes for the file “google-analytics-stats-widget.php”.
function getUniqueVisitors($account, $time = 1)
// IF we have a cached version, return that, if not, continue on.
if ( get_transient( 'google_stats_uniques' ) )
return get_transient( 'google_stats_uniques' );
# Get the class for interacting with the Google Analytics
# Create a new Gdata call
$stats = new GoogleAnalyticsStats();
# Check if Google sucessfully logged in
if ( ! $stats->checkLogin() )
return false;
$account = $stats->getSingleProfile();
$account = $account[0]['id'];
# Set the account to the one requested
# Get the latest stats
$before = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-' . $time . ' days'));
$yesterday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 day'));
//AP $result = $stats->getMetrics('ga:visitors', $before, $yesterday);
$result = $stats->getMetrics('ga:visits', $before, $yesterday);
catch(Exception $e){
print 'GA Widget - there was a service error ' . $e->getCode() . ':' . $e->getMessage();
//AP $uniques = number_format($result->totalsForAllResults['ga:visitors']);
$uniques = number_format($result->totalsForAllResults['ga:visits']);
# Store the array
//AP set_transient( 'google_stats_uniques', $uniques, 60*60*12 ); // 12 ore
set_transient( 'google_stats_uniques', $uniques, 60*60 ); // 1 ora
# Return the visits
return $uniques;