• In this newest version 3.9.1 the widget UI does not reflect on the sites front end. If you remove all the items, it still shows the widget. if you click on the widget, you will see a check box indicating the area it is in, but no way to remove it. If you drag a new one in, it won’t appear. We un and re installed the version. works the same as before. I tried over 20 themes. All had sever glitches in many areas including the widget area. One theme through a random widget up in the header. I tried themes that had worked in the past. I finally figured out it is the version.

    If you have not upgraded. make sure you never do.

    other problems, headers not allowing customization
    backgrounds also
    haven’t tried complicated posts yet, I can only imagine what that will be like.

    Apparently NO ONE ran any tests before they pulled this version out of their … cubicle.

    please hurry back to work. Some of us earn a living with this … product.

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  • You seem to still be greatly upset with wordpress. Maybe we can help troubleshoot your website. Can you post a URL to the specific pages that are having the issue on your website? If you are experiencing problems on the admin side of WordPress, then please take a few screenshots, and post links to them here so that we can help troubleshoot your issues.

    Also, please include the following:
    1). A list of all the plugins you have running
    2). The name of the theme you are using
    3). The specific conditions under which the errors took place.
    4). The name of your hosting provider

    I am going to try to replicate the error, to hopefully document what is going on. Most likely, the problems are due to a curious quirk of the interface that is a bit more counterintuitive than is possibly could have been. Either way, this is the only constructive way to make progress toward assessing and addressing the issue, so I look forward to hearing from you.

    Thread Starter merchantkitty


    it is version 3.9.1 (memorized that now cuz so many problems)
    currently the only plugin i have installed is Yoast’s SEO for Word Press. (this plug in is the only reason I don’t dump wp all together on 9 accounts)
    the current theme (but believe me I have tried over 20 themes trying to get it to work before we dumped the program and completely reinstalled only to have the same problems) is sg wordpress (site ground) that is installed by my host as the default. They tried to blame the theme too, I was like, dude, its YOUR theme.
    the condition: in the widget UI widgets are displayed that are not displayed on the live site. When you move them around there is no change. When you delete them all together, there is no change.
    There is also a problem editing the header. this particular theme will not allow you to change the header in the Header UI. On another theme I was able to change the header once I made the name of the header I wanted have the exact file name, and then insert it into the file through filezilla. The name had to match, or else it would not take. However, I wouldn’t know the first thing about back programing the widgets to trick it to work. I should not have to, that is the point of using the program, so there is a friendly user interface that makes it easy. Again, my host provider is siteground. May I add that before March, I had no problems on any of my accounts and everything worked great. So there is an update somewhere that is disagreeable. WP version 3.9.1 noted that some of the changes were to those particular interfaces so me thinks hmmm…
    here’s the images:

    image 2
    image 3
    right now site ground is working to upload me with an older version of wp, at least that is what the ticket is asking them to do. I have already had 3 reps tell me they would and then proceed to just direct me to 3.9.1 again. So we will see what we get when were done. regardless, I have 8 more sites that need to function properly.

    Thread Starter merchantkitty


    the first image didnt load
    image 1

    Thread Starter merchantkitty


    they are sequential. read them in order (1,2,3) to get the story

    That’s very strange. Typically, the widget panel instantly updates the database entry when you remove a widget. From my experience, I can think of four possible explanations.

    1). WordPress is broken
    Wordpress v 3.9.1 has broken widgets. This probably isn’t the case, since it works on all of my own personal installations. Still, there could be a conflict somewhere that just hasn’t surfaced yet. It could also be that it’s unique to you. Maybe some of siteground’s code has some sort of odd conflict with v. 3.9.1. Maybe there were errors setting up the database. But when you tell me that you’ve reinstalled WordPress multiple times, and the issues are still persisting, I can’t rule it out that there’s a bug in WordPress. Again though, it’s working almost everywhere else, so let’s consider some other things that might be causing the issue.

    2). Siteground issues
    There may be an issue with Siteground’s installation. I’d keep this in mind if you bought one of their “Easy new WordPress launch”. If you’re not downloading the WordPress installation from www.ads-software.com, and uploading it to the server yourself, there’s a very big chance that misconfigurations are beyond your ability to address. There’s an equally good chance that Siteground’s plugins and themes are simply out of date now. Remember that they have built and maintain their own WordPress themes, and so it is up to them to keep them compliant with current coding standards. A theme that hasn’t been updated for even a single year can have many lines of code that were perfectly acceptable when the theme was last updated, but which have since been rendered obsolete. Such themes can easily break the functionality of WordPress. I’m not sure that’s what’s happening, especially since you tell me that you’ve changed to multiple different themes and had the same result, but just know it’s a possibility.

    3). Conditionally triggered default widgets
    There is a conditional statement on your theme that displays a set of default widgets when your widget areas are empty. This is actually normal for theme developers. They will check to see if you have widgets assigned to a sidebar. If not, several predetermined widgets just show up without any extra steps from you. You can tell if this is the case because the widgets should be different across each theme. If you change themes (with the widget areas empty) and different widgets appear in the sidebars–you know this is what’s happening. I don’t think this is your issue though, since the widgets keep popping up in your widget areas in the WordPress admin area. If these conditional widgets were the culprit, I would expect to see the widget area in the admin page empty, but still have widgets showing on the front page.

    4). Caching (most likely)
    What seems most likely to me is that your pages are being cached and redisplayed from previous versions. I noticed that in picture #2, at the very bottom, it appears that you have some sort of built in plugin, or theme feature called SuperCacher. Caching means that instead of computing an entirely new web page every time a user visits your web page, the server saves certain pieces of information that it thinks will not change very often (this is actually perfect for static sites that DON’T change, but less so for dynamic sites like blogs). The problem with caching is that sometimes, the server keeps on sending this old, cached information even when you make a change to the site. Browsers have their own caching as well, where they save images and code from a website you’ve already visited to make your next visit that much faster.

    My recommendation is to clear your browser cache, and then play around with the settings in your theme SuperCacher. If that doesn’t work, then some next steps you could take are as follows:

    1). Use myPhp admin on your hosting provider’s cPanel to take a look at the database to isolate whether or not the values from the widget table are being saved properly. Clearly, this is overly technical, and can likely be skipped–the following URL leads to instructions about how to access that information (don’t change anything in the database if you go).
    2). Manually install WordPress to see if the issue is with Siteground’s one-click WordPress service.
    3). Switch hosting providers–bluehost and hostgator are two services that I know work for certain. You could try them.
    4). You can try reading through the changelog for WordPress 3.9.1, to see whether or not they updated anything having to do with the widgets. Actually, since you’re not familiar with technical goings on, I’ll take a look and see what changes have been made.
    5). If you go through all of these steps, and it still doesn’t work, then I would download a legacy version of WordPress and install it manually on your host provider.

    Only item of interest I could find in the changelog:

    This is also something important to consider. One-click WordPress installs are often broken as the following post confirms. It could be that your hosting provider hasn’t updates the dependent supportive technologies on the server on which WordPress runs. Try talking to them to update php to the latest version.


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