• ljstores


    My widgets just wont work ??
    I have tried ALL day to figure this out by reading the forums and trying out different combinations but to no avail ??

    at the moment I have the widgets set up in admin and they do not show up on the page that way. The right sidebar appears as the default even though i have changed the widgets around.

    Initially all i was trying to do was add two text widgets.. one with with a blurb and a link to the first post on my blog, which i succeeded in doing but when i went to add another text widget, it appeared behind my picture in the main post but if i deleted the text and just kept the title it would go where it should. Whatever i did to try and resolve any issue was undone and screwed up every time I made any other adjustment.

    No matter how many times I move the widget around they will not appear where I want them to and when i move a widget from one sidebar to the other it shifts the text out of alignment.

    I sure could use some help?
    http: //huskpaw.com
    Still going to carry on trying to troubleshoot it so the widget placements might move!

    Oh and I am using a widget ready theme.

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  • jonimueller


    URI bad, even taking out the space after http:

    Can you provide a valid, working link, please?



    I can’t seem to get https://www.huskpaw.com to load – this domain isn’t registered apparently.

    Is this the right domain name?

    Thread Starter ljstores


    oops ..sorry the Y must have stuck on my keyboard

    it should be huskypaw I didn’t want to make it a live link as i didnt want it indexing in the search engine until its working.




    It’s hard to tell exactly what is wrong I guess at the moment. If you can put the text into the text widget so we can see what’s causing it to be mis-aligned.

    Basically – let us know when it is appearing broken again please ??

    Thread Starter ljstores


    Hi again ??
    You can see that the calender text is out of alignment and the tags text too!
    I moved one of the text widgets and it appeared behind the image in the main post.

    As you can see from this screen shot that nothing is where it should be. there are only two text boxes in admin and yet 3 show on the page…. and it shows two blogrolls and there is only one in the admin.

    https:// huskypaw.com/images/widget.jpg



    Thanks for sending those bits of info through.

    I’m not sure exactly what is causing this, but could you do me another favour and show me what line of code you are using to generate your 2 sidebars?
    Does your “functions.php” file contain:

    if ( function_exists('register_sidebars') )

    Elsewhere in your theme possibly footer.php, or sidebar.php

    you might have the following lines:

    	<?php dynamic_sidebar('Sidebar 1'); ?>


    	<?php dynamic_sidebar('Sidebar 2'); ?>

    Basically, there must be something funny with the way your widget sidebars are being called for it to be spitting out duplicates – but I don’t know enough php to be sure…


    Thread Starter ljstores


    Hi again…thank you so much for trying to help me…sorry about the delay…life ??

    this is what I have in functions .php


    if ( function_exists(‘register_sidebars’) )

    This is what I have in sidebar.php

    <ul id=”sidebarright”>
    <?php if ( function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) && dynamic_sidebar(2) ) : else : ?>

    <li id=”pages”><?php _e(‘<h2>Pages</h2>’); ?>

      <?php wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=menu_order&title_li=’); ?>

    <li id=”categories”><?php _e(‘<h2>Categories</h2>’); ?>

      <?php wp_list_cats(”); ?>

    the following is ALL the code for sidebar2.php
    <ul id=”sidebarleft”>
    <?php get_links_list(); ?>
    <li id=”archives”><?php _e(‘<h2>Archives</h2>’); ?>

      <?php wp_get_archives(‘type=monthly’); ?>

    <?php if ( function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) && dynamic_sidebar(1) ) : else : ?>

    <li id=”Recent Posts”><?php _e(‘<h2>Recent Posts</h2>’); ?>
    <ul class=”menublock”>
    <p><?php wp_get_archives(‘type=postbypost&limit=05’); ?></p>

    <li id=”Recent Comments”><?php _e(‘<h2>Recent Comments</h2>’); ?>

      <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/simple_recent_comments.php’); ?>
      <?php if (function_exists(‘src_simple_recent_comments’)) { src_simple_recent_comments(5, 40, ”); } ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    and this is all the footer code
    <?php /* WARNING: This file is protected by copyright law. To reverse engineer or decode this file is strictly prohibited. */



    Ok. This is a little confusing, and you have some cases of duplicate id’s around your site, which is never going to help things.

    As far as I can tell you should have 3 main areas to the body of your site:

    <div id="leftnav"></div>
    <div id="rightnav"></div>
    <div id="content"></div>

    The way I would be calling my sidebars is thus:

    <div id="leftnav">
     <ul id="sidebarleft">
      <?php dynamic_sidebar('Sidebar 1'); ?>
    <div id="rightnav">
     <ul id="sidebarright">
      <?php dynamic_sidebar('Sidebar 2'); ?>

    In this case potentially your sidebar.php file won’t matter at all.

    If we can’t work it out from here I might need to get you to do a code dump so I can look through the files properly.

    Thread Starter ljstores


    Hi again, I fear I wont get a resolution to this ??
    Not much of what you wrote makes sens to me ??
    I don’t know what you mean about duplicate id’s?

    This website is an addon domain to an existing domain..might that be relevant?

    I do not understand php at all and wordpress is very new to me. I sucessfully uploaded word press and then a theme. I haven’t changed anything and I deactivate all the plugins i had installed.
    These are the files that are listed in my theme editor.

    ‘taste-of-heaven’ theme files

    * Stylesheet
    * 404 Template
    * Archives
    * Archives
    * Popup Comments
    * Comments
    * Footer
    * functions.php
    * Header
    * Main Index Template
    * Links
    * Page Template
    * Search Results
    * searchform.php
    * Sidebar
    * sidebar2.php
    * simple_recent_comments.php
    * Single Post
    I am really unsure if and what, you are asking me?

    Sorry but I am a total novice.



    I’m going to upload that theme to one of my test sites and play around with it, hopefully i can duplicate your issues and get a solution soon.



    Ok. To be honest that theme is pretty horribly coded and it’s not something I’d be proud to release to the general public, but I’m hoping that, although this isn’t the absolutely right way to do things, that it might fix stuff for you now.

    Please ensure that you have a backup of the theme files in case this doesn’t work for you.

    I have a test version which seems to be ok now at

    Some of the widgets need some css styling to get their padding right, but it seems to be working ok.

    In sidebar.php – delete everything and replace it with:

    <ul id="sidebarright">
    <?php dynamic_sidebar('Sidebar 1'); ?>

    In sidebar2.php – delete everything and replace with:

    <ul id="sidebarleft">
    	<?php dynamic_sidebar('Sidebar 2'); ?>

    Why on earth anyone would make it so that id=”sidebarleft” is appearing on the right hand side of the page I don’t know.

    It’s working on my test site anyway – and i duplicated all the widgets that you had going on.

    (NB – the above code isn’t the perfect way to do things as there is nothing to present basic info if you remove all the widgets, but you aren’t going to be doing that so I’m sure it’s fine!)

    If this doesn’t work for you then we’re going to have to think about approaching this in another way.

    Thread Starter ljstores


    Well its better but the second widget on the right isnt working…whatever widget I have second, ends up aligned right ??

    Thanks so much for your time….should i just try and find another theme…I really like what I have but I am worried its going to continually cause conflicts?

    Thanks again……….

    Thread Starter ljstores


    Oops I meant the third one down on the right side !

    And does it work if you put that widget in the left column?

    I would be pretty tempted to look at any other themes that might be available, give that this one has caused immense troubles so far?!

    Thread Starter ljstores


    No it doesn’t work, whichever widget is the third down on the right, sticks out at the right!! ??

    I am going to look for another theme but not today as it’s my birthday ??

    Can you give me details of your paypal account as I want to give you a little token of appreciation for putting in the time to try and help me. It wont be much as I don’t have much..lol

    Thanks again.

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