Hi hidalgm2,
Not having the Appearance section in your Dashboard is not something that normally occurs. Are you sure you are an admin for this particular website? If not you probably won’t be able to access it. If you are an admin it would be best to look through the www.ads-software.com support forum for similar issues, then check out the solutions that others found.
As for displaying the posts as you mentioned, if the posts are your own then you can do this through your theme’s settings. As long as it supports excerpts you should be able to set the homepage as your blog page, listing the title and excerpt of each post.
If on the other hand the posts are being imported by WP RSS Aggregator or any other plugin, you will need to use any shortcode or other means offered by that plugin. With WP RSS Aggregator you can use the Excerpts & Thumbnails add-on to import any RSS feeds onto your site, then use the shortcodes to display a list of posts as shown here, each linking to their original source.
To import the posts directly to your site you could then use the Feed to Post add-on or possibly the Advanced Feeds Bundle, both of which can be tested out using our demo.