HI jeremygadd – Definitely very odd looking! My first guess would be that something within your site is breaking these styles and not so much WordPress on it’s own. Typically it is a plugin or theme that can cause these types of breaks. Try first clearing your browser cache and see if that resolves it (usually doesn’t, but fixes it often enough to warrant trying it first as the “easy” fix). If that doesn’t work try disabling all your plugins on your site and changing over to a default WordPress theme without any modifications to it (Twenty Fifteen just came out, maybe try using that!). If the widgets now work after disabling all the third party code on the site then start turning everything back on one at a time. Each time you enable something look at your widgets again and see when they break – whatever you just activated before they broke is the culprit. Now depending on what is actually breaking the widgets would determine your course of action – if it is a “premium” theme or plugin you would need to contact the developer, a plugin on www.ads-software.com try that specific plugins section of the forum. Might be worth making sure everything on your site is updated as well to make sure you have the latest updates.
Good luck!