width of field and a few questions
WP Install 4.1.1
Job Manager Installed 0.7.22
Website URL https://bewerbung.eurocircle.deDear Thomas,
thank you a lot for that wonderful plugin! It’s really magnificent!
I’m fiddling a little around with the design. I’m using your plugin under Twenty Thirteen.
One thing I couldn’t work out so far is how to increase the horizontal width of the input field for text. I found a way to increase the lot, but I only would like to increase the text input fields. If I tweak the display.css it always increases also the fileds with radio buttons which is not nice. It seems I can isolate “textarea” but how can I also tweak the normal text fields?
Another question ist about the phrase “Job Bewerbung:” which is always automatically added to the title of a job. I would like cancel this. But where? Have a look what I mean:
The title is also mentioned twice – can I cancel one?
I also have problems with the captcha and the function which makes a user tick a box to agree to the terms. I never manged to get beyond the point… but fiddling is not over here yet…
I’m sure there are more questions to come…
Thanks a lot and
best wishes
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