• I have multiple WP client sites running on multiple hosting companies, and all of them are running BackWPup. Everything was working fine until the recent updates.

    Now, running the latest versions of WP and BackWPup returns the following errors (or something similar) on ALL of my WP sites…

    2012/05/04 03:56.25: 1. try to create tar.gz archive file…
    2012/05/04 04:27.39: [ERROR] Job restarted, bcause inactivity!
    2012/05/04 04:27.39: 2. try to create tar.gz archive file…
    2012/05/04 05:21.23: [ERROR] Job restarted, bcause inactivity!
    2012/05/04 05:21.24: 3. try to create tar.gz archive file…
    2012/05/04 06:52.23: [ERROR] Job restarted, bcause inactivity!
    2012/05/04 06:52.24: [ERROR] Step arborted has too many trys!

    Doesn’t matter if I use ZIP or TAR.GZ the same errors occur. I see many, many people are having the same (or similar) issues.


    What happened to the BackWPup plugin?
    Why is no one fixing it?
    Is there another comprehensive backup plug-in that DOES work?

    This used to be one of my favorite plug-ins. Now it’s completely useless!!!


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  • no there are so many old problems i can only say dont use it and save your time

    Thread Starter klynam


    That is really unfortunate – BackWPup really was quite a nice solution…for a while at least…

    So what are our options???

    For all those people with problems with the lastest release, I’ve found a temporal workaround until Daniel fix it: you can go here: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/backwpup/developers/
    And download 2.1.9 release (the last working one). I deleted the plugin from my site, then, installed again uploading the 2.1.9 zip file from my computer, created a new job, and works fine. Don’t upgrade until a new release comes, after the problematic 2.1.11

    It is not easy to fix it, beacuse it is mostly a prblem of server limits.
    I will fix it if it a for me reprodusable problem that not cames fromthe limits.

    Thread Starter klynam


    Daniel we really appreciate your help on this issue.

    How can this be a SERVER LIMIT problem???

    Nothing changed on MY servers, and nothing changed on other people’s servers. Also, there are lots of people running your plug-in on many different server configurations and having this problem.

    If this is a SERVER LIMIT problem then why do older versions of your plug-in work fine, but new releases do not???

    This all happened with a specific release of the plug-in and the plug-in has been broken since then.

    Thread Starter klynam


    [Please do not post in uppercase & shout at us. Post de-capped.]

    If it IS a server limit problem – what changes do we need to make to the server???

    I agree with klynam. BackWPup was working fine on my server for the past year, and only recently have I been having errors outlined in this post (with still no reply): https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/backwpup-database-errors?replies=1

    I don’t see how it can suddenly be a server limit problem…

    As Daniel states clearly everywhere in the plugin files, BackWPUp comes without warranties whatsoever. If you don’t like it, don’t use it.


    1. Daniel knows for a fact that the plugin is broken
    2. Daniel hardly replies to the numerous requests on the forums
    3. If it is too difficult to fix and/or he doesn’t want to fix it, Daniel should make it clear in the plugin file that he will no longer fix it and the last usable version was 2.1.9

    I agree with the other posters that Daniel’s excuse about server limits is a pathetic one. The only thing that changed is the plugin, so the fault is there and nowhere else!

    FIX IT or state clearly that you no longer support the plugin!


    1. The Plugin is not broken
    2. use this forms https://backwpup.com/forums/
    3. It give problems that comes from misconfigured Servers or Server limitations.

    I have found some problems that will be fixed with the next update on this weekend.

    I can not fix all problems, because it often is not in my hands.

    I would like to report that so far I have not had any problems with BackWPup plugin. I now have tested the latest version 2.1.12 and it runs smoothly. My hosting company is justhost.

    I don’t run cron jobs or schedule jobs. I only perform a full back up and sometimes just a database backup. My website size is 140 megs, the full backup size is 60 megs. I don’t do ftp, I simply create the backup and download it to my hard disk. I have also tested a backup on one of my sites by deleted everything in the server directory and then restoring the backup and it worked like a charm.

    I hope my information helps in some way. I did run the 3 previous updated versions and did not have any issues with them.

    Thank you kindly Daniel for this great plugin. I am sorry that it does not work well for some of you.

    Kind and warm regards

    I have to say I’ve not had any problems with this plugin, nor Daniel, from using it on several servers.

    It does take a little while to set up re backups on a host. But that is to be expected. There’s very little I would change with this plugin. It’s one of the best.

    I tried this plugin months ago.
    I deleted it because of hangs/errors.

    Now months later on different servers the plugin STILL doesn’t work.

    * Creates faulty backups (= tar.gz that cannot be decompressed)
    * complains about “Maximum execution time errors”
    * reports nonsense like “Running since 453242563 seconds”
    * disregards its options (“Max. backup files in folder”, which I set to “0”)

    This plugin is freeware, OK, but at the same time it is malware, because you think that it does something (= protecting you from data loss), when it doesn’t.

    It’s a shame, because it could be one of the best plugins for WordPress IF IT COULD WORK.

    And no, the problem is not “misconfigured Servers or Server limitations”. Other backup plugins do work on these servers. The problem is BackWPup itself.

    Yes I would happily pay for this plugin, this would then allow better updates and support.

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