@gringozero.. you are new to this current thread
So, can you please share your website link? so that we can check.
The image winds up being about the quarter the size of the area it’s supposed to cover.
<< Mobile slider will decrease the size of your background image according to your image aspect ratio. If that image have required width but having too much height (Vertical image) then it will display as per aspect ratio so in this case you will see that image is displayed as half or quarter the background (depends on image width and height) image.
The slide left option also does not work.
<< We have checked from our side with various themes and devices with many slide options to create above said situation but its working fine in all tests.
Not being able to target individual pages for EACH of the slides is a big let down
<< You can use text element and give them href link and this way you can assign any of the link to internal or external pages.
Additionally, the link for support at support.sowlininfotech.com can not be found.
<< Sorry, that was a wrong link due typing mistake. It’s support.solwininfotech.com.
Let us know if you have any other query.