Yes, I run two 2FA plugins. Currently WordFence 2FA and another 2FA plugin.
How that one works is when you go to the wp-login.php and put in your name/password then press login, it will then request a 2FA Code which is WordFence and you can then press Login. Next, it will ask for an Authentication Code which is the other 2FA plugin, then you press Authenticate to log into wp-admin backend. It’s all done on the same login box on the wp-login.php page.
Right now with this 2FA plugin, it will not play nice with Wordfence 2FA Authentication at all. It will completely ignore any attempt on putting in the authentication code. It just goes right back to the Email/Pass on the login.php page.
If I disable WordFence 2FA this plugin works just fine.
I have a use case for it. I have tried other 2FA plugins in the past and I have seen them get bypassed easily. Having a second one is helpful.
Right now I have a conundrum. Use what I have now and leave Woocommerce Customers without 2FA or Install this plugin and disable WordFence 2FA and put complete trust into this plugin. I would at this time not use this plugin because of the history I have had with other 2FA plugins. However, I really really want to have it work in Harmony with WordFence 2FA like the other current one I’m using that way customers at least have better protection than nothing.