Sorry, I meant Supercache (need moar coffee). The folders showed up that small because the ‘size’ of a folder is not the same as the size of it’s content.
I have a love/hate with WP-SuperCache because it takes up diskspace and every time I change my layout, I have to dump the cache. Also I ran metrics on it for two months, and there wasn’t that much of a difference between months, so I think it’s just not what I need. I do still think it’s a good plugin, don’t get me wrong, just didn’t meet my needs. (I went the uber geek route and optimized the heck out of my php caching on the server – You may have that option too, check )
Looking at your plugins … If you upgrade to 2.7, you can dump ‘highlight author comment’ (since you can handle that via CSS with the new comment threading). Also “Get Recent Comments” is included as a widget in WP now, though with different formatting. “Absolute Comments” (if you’re using it to reply to comments from within the Dashboard) is also included in 2.7.
I’d suggest the SEO plugin over AutoMeta, and any plugin that hasn’t been updated in a year or so should be checked out, since it may not be ‘modernized.’
Dunno if that’ll help anything.