• Hi, this is far from done, but Using UrbanGiraffe’s Theme Dissection I’ve cobbled this design out of Kubrick. It was quite the hunt to find the fix for the error I was having rendering the page in IE/mac. I assume that the clearfix hack will work for other IEs, but before I go any further with the design, I want to make sure IE windows is working.
    Thanks in advance.

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  • Sweet and clever what you’ve done so far. And that’s awfully cute what you did with the post titles!

    I’ll bet it renders fine in IE Windows. IE Mac is a very strict browser (as well as being the spawn of the devil). It’s my experience if a site passes in Mac Safari, Mac Firefox AND Mac IE, then it’ll look just peachy in Windows browsers.

    I’d recommend https://www.danvine.com/iecapture/ to check all versions of I.E., but it seems to be out of order right now.

    Thread Starter Michael Bishop


    That’s a plugin I just found regarding the post titles.
    I had heard of that site, never saw a link, yeah, its down now, but I’ll keep checking.
    I easily spent 4 hours searching for a solution to my problem, for some reason, my wrapper wouldn’t line up between the header and footer. Finally that clearfix hack in my header did the trick. Everything validates as is, and yeah, I kinda guessed if it looked ok in IE/mac it would render ok in windows, but after that headache, I didn’t want to do much more until I had a better feel.
    Thanks for the compliments, its for my wife’s class. Each year, I put together a slightly better site. This one is leaps and bounds over what I’ve done in the past though.

    I’ve noticed most problems with themes rendering in IE Mac have to do with floats. Right out of the box most of them have float problems in I.E. Mac.

    Have you seen this site? https://www.macedition.com/cb/ie5macbugs/index.html

    And this article on float problems in IE?

    It looks like the only major thing you have left to do is center the header so it lines up with the body and the footer. Was that caused by the clearfix hack?

    It’s a great rendering of that theme–you may not want to change it next year!

    Thread Starter Michael Bishop


    Thanks again for the links. No, the centering wasn’t directly caused by the clearfix, rather, all my attempts to “fix” the site for IE/mac, I got my alignments off.
    It looks good in Safari and FF at both 800 and 1024, and IE looks ok, but the header isn’t centered. I checked it on a neighbors old PC IE, and it lined up OK. I’ll get to a modern machine and see it for myself, maybe I’ll go on campus tommorrow and check it there.

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