• Well i am dutch and i tried to post it on the dutch forum but there is no respons. I made a site https://www.trimzwemmen.nl and the site works on all os’ses accept windows 8 running IE10. The problem is that there are no buttons and logo’s showing. Even some text seems the not be there. I know that they are there because when you hover above a buttun the mouse arrow changes into a hand with finger, but it does not show up.What can be the problem?

    I use the constructed theme.

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  • …the site works on all os’ses accept windows 8 running IE10…no buttons and logo’s showing…when you hover above a buttun the mouse arrow changes into a hand with finger, but it does not show up. What can be the problem?

    Windows 8, I believe, and I suspect a solution will come as time passes and we all have to deal with that in our respective themes.

    It has nothing to do with Windows 8.

    Have you tried
    ?deactivating all plugins (yes, all) to see if this resolves the problem. If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find the problematic plugin(s). If you can’t get into your admin dashboard, try resetting the plugins folder by FTP or PhpMyAdmin (read https://bit.ly/UhpkLl if you need help). Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems. Also remember to deactivate any plugins in the mu-plugins folder if you have one. The easiest way is to rename that folder to mu-plugins-old (read https://bit.ly/WMrMM5 for more information on mu-plugins)
    ?switching to the Twenty Eleven theme to rule out any theme-specific problems. If you can’t log in to change themes, you can remove the theme folders via FTP so the only one is twentyeleven. That will force your site to use it.


    I just looked at your site in IE10 on Win 8 (fresh OOTB install).

    The first thing that’s noticeable is that your navigation menu is present, but not visible. Click on the compatibility mode icon at the far end of your address bar in IE10. That makes the navigation visible again. I suspect it might also affect some of your other issues as well. Give that a try and see if your symptoms change.

    [edit] Also, note what the text says when you pause and hover over the compatibility view icon.

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