• Resolved gaianhelmers


    I currently use wordpress solely as an engine. Accessing it through wp-load outside of the install folder.

    When I embed or shortcode the chat into my page only the textfield loads and simply does nothing.

    I tried putting the shortcode into a wordpress page and it loaded and worked perfectly.

    What can I do to properly embed it outside of the WP install?


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  • Thread Starter gaianhelmers


    It appears to me, although I’m very inexperienced with WordPress, is that the references to the files are local to the wordpress folder.

    Would there be any simple way to be able to override the URL’s to be manually directed to the plugin folder?

    Plugin Author Marcin


    Lightweight AJAX engine (enabled by default) of the Wise Chat assumes standard location of the WordPress plugins directory. The Default engine (the WordPress way) should work in that case.

    Lightweight AJAX is designed to start totally separated from the WordPress due to performance issues. Then is assumes that plugins are in standard directory. You can change that manually in wise-chat/endpoints/index line 18. There is a requirement of wp-load.php file which I believe is in the different location in your system.

    Thread Starter gaianhelmers


    I’ve made the change but that doesn’t seem to fully fix the issue.

    Currently the previous posts load (those that I made inside the WP install before) the text field loads and the buttons for emoticons and send load.

    However I cannot submit my text and when I click on the emoticon button nothing loads. Basically on the client side I can’t interact with the chat or receive updates. (I just posted within the wordpress install and nothing changes on the out of wordpress version of the same chat channel.)

    What would be the cause of this?

    Thread Starter gaianhelmers


    Oh I also forgot to mention I have to manually refer to the stylesheet. It doesn’t automatically load with it.

    Thread Starter gaianhelmers


    If I don’t manually refer to the style it goes to a nonexistant directory.
    For example, when I look at the webpage the destination for the css is: href="https://DOMAINNAME.ca/dbsys/wp-content/plugins/wise-chat//themes/default/theme.css"

    Thread Starter gaianhelmers


    Here’s what each page gets in the end:

    WordPress page:

    [Large code excerpt removed by moderator per forum rules. Please use the pastebin for all large code excerpts. It works better anyway.]

    I’ve looked over the URL’s and they seem to all direct to the correct places. I also don’t notice much difference between the two end results so I don’t understand what is the difference.
    Like I had said earlier, querying the previous messages works fine but none of the functionality persists and once the page loads it doesn’t continue to refresh the chat window.

    Thread Starter gaianhelmers


    I’ve looked over the resulting code on each of the pages, the wordpress page as well as a testpage I made which is just a basic webpage that calls do_shortcode() to embed the chat window.

    The url’s to the various code are both correct and go to the same directories.

    There doesn’t seem to be any differences to the resulting code unless I’m missing the huge serial numbers and the differences between those.

    However Both pages properly load the previous messages left in the chat however the chat window on the testpage does not have any CSS styling and has no functionality. It cannot post messages, cannot open the emoticon sub-window and does not refresh the chat in any way after the page initially loads the previous messages.

    I’m looking at the javascript between the two pages and the only difference I can see is the checksum.

    WordPress embedded JS:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        (function() {
            var messages = jQuery('#wcd7b7a1a5e03ebb2e529885ea8f1b888a .wcMessages');
            if (messages.length > 0 && 'ascending' == 'ascending') {
    	jQuery(window).load(function() {
    		var jsOptions = {"chatId":"wcd7b7a1a5e03ebb2e529885ea8f1b888a","channelId":1,"nowTime":"2016-03-26T01:10:45+00:00","lastId":6,"checksum":"cS0NOKk4qfs36WAVM2i8e45+YZ9QQ+jM\/LNfYTgfZJxV9hg8oTYTPB6c9E74MJwgvMPCbA3yXG5L0E041+CPJ4\/rgsVfk\/CBXOVuWLuzxsb1X0iNGA1YEWmWJfMr6dxx2XBY\/kp5KE\/O2OzWh+HFQ3yHW6OJbMm+GEdsjNbFJMU=","lastActionId":7,"baseDir":"http:\/\/[MY DOMAIN]\/dbsys\/wp-content\/plugins\/wise-chat\/","emoticonsBaseURL":"http:\/\/[MY DOMAIN]\/dbsys\/wp-content\/plugins\/wise-chat\/gfx\/emoticons\/","apiEndpointBase":"http:\/\/[MY DOMAIN]\/dbsys\/wp-content\/plugins\/wise-chat\/src\/endpoints\/","messagesRefreshTime":5000,"messagesOrder":"ascending","enableTitleNotifications":true,"soundNotification":"","messagesTimeMode":"hidden","channelUsersLimit":0,"messages":{"message_sending":"Sending ...","hint_message":"Enter message here","messageSecAgo":"sec. ago","messageMinAgo":"min. ago","messageYesterday":"yesterday","messageUnsupportedTypeOfFile":"Unsupported type of file.","messageSizeLimitError":"The size of the file exceeds allowed limit."},"userSettings":{"muteSounds":false},"attachmentsValidFileFormats":[],"attachmentsSizeLimit":3145728,"imagesSizeLimit":3145728};
    		if (typeof(window['wiseChatInstances']) == 'undefined') {
    			window['wiseChatInstances'] = {};
    		if (typeof(window.wiseChatInstances[jsOptions.chatId]) == 'undefined') {
    			window.wiseChatInstances[jsOptions.chatId] = new WiseChatController(jsOptions);

    Test Page embedded JS:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        (function() {
            var messages = jQuery('#wcf26c80ed3139c5163208943839f58e0c .wcMessages');
            if (messages.length > 0 && 'ascending' == 'ascending') {
    	jQuery(window).load(function() {
    		var jsOptions = {"chatId":"wcf26c80ed3139c5163208943839f58e0c","channelId":1,"nowTime":"2016-03-26T01:11:19+00:00","lastId":8,"checksum":"nbU7ZORqZlEfc5T+C6mRZHy5hwsnswSMte8c373ikjdlqIJUovnbHXO1Lt1KfeK5PYLPjRYNATlAn2OBXMiTcJgE4NCDj1V+oOZ1hg6IdhjRoDZ34JxXcyDbsGptwE9+FeTlHh3ootLnWki1FlAw7lRDfVFgV2CGXDQtMkBKH7w=","lastActionId":7,"baseDir":"http:\/\/[MY DOMAIN]\/dbsys\/wp-content\/plugins\/wise-chat\/","emoticonsBaseURL":"http:\/\/[MY DOMAIN]\/dbsys\/wp-content\/plugins\/wise-chat\/gfx\/emoticons\/","apiEndpointBase":"http:\/\/[MY DOMAIN]\/dbsys\/wp-content\/plugins\/wise-chat\/src\/endpoints\/","messagesRefreshTime":5000,"messagesOrder":"ascending","enableTitleNotifications":true,"soundNotification":"","messagesTimeMode":"hidden","channelUsersLimit":0,"messages":{"message_sending":"Sending ...","hint_message":"Enter message here","messageSecAgo":"sec. ago","messageMinAgo":"min. ago","messageYesterday":"yesterday","messageUnsupportedTypeOfFile":"Unsupported type of file.","messageSizeLimitError":"The size of the file exceeds allowed limit."},"userSettings":{"muteSounds":false},"attachmentsValidFileFormats":[],"attachmentsSizeLimit":3145728,"imagesSizeLimit":3145728};
    		if (typeof(window['wiseChatInstances']) == 'undefined') {
    			window['wiseChatInstances'] = {};
    		if (typeof(window.wiseChatInstances[jsOptions.chatId]) == 'undefined') {
    			window.wiseChatInstances[jsOptions.chatId] = new WiseChatController(jsOptions);

    Note: [MY DOMAIN] is just there to protect my in development website.

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