• My site isn’t displaying the icons for the Share buttons on the Wish list page. It just shows colored boxes. I see others have had problems with this, and tried several of the solutions for them – but it looks like the CSS solution is usually unique to the theme.

    Can you help me?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello there,

    I hope you’re doing well ??

    I could see that your theme modifies the font-family used by the items in our plugin. To solve this problem you are experiencing, you can insert the following CSS code in the section “Appearance” > “Customize” > “Additional CSS”:

    .yith-wcwl-share .fa {
        font: normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome !important;

    This code only corrects the items to share so as not to change them in all sectors and generate conflicts to the theme, but if you want to use the items that we use and not those of the theme in your entire site, what you should do is replace “.yith-wcwl- share .fa” for just “.fa”.

    I hope I have helped you.
    Have a nice day!

    Thread Starter jenked


    Thanks for the reply Luciano.

    I have tried both options, but neither changed the Share buttons from colored squares. Can you think of anything else I can try?

    Thanks so much,

    Plugin Support Juan Coronel


    Hi Jake,

    In order to fix the display issues, add this CSS:

    .yith-wcwl-share i {
        font-family: 'FontAwesome' !important;

    Try it out and tell us if its works well for you.

    We will be attentive to your response.

    Have a nice day!

    Thread Starter jenked


    Hmmm. That still didn’t work. I even tried on the Twenty-Twenty theme just in case. Any other ideas? If not maybe I’ll just hide the share buttons. They are too confusing as colored squares.

    Plugin Support Juan Coronel


    Hi there,

    How strange since we modify the CSS from the console on your site and the changes are seen. First try adding this code to your active theme’s functions.php file:

    if ( defined( 'YITH_WCWL' )) {
    	if ( ! function_exists( 'ywfav_add_fontawesome' ) ) {
    		function ywfav_add_fontawesome() {
            	wp_enqueue_style( 'fontawsome', 'https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css' );
    		add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'ywfav_add_fontawesome', 99 );	

    If it still doesn’t work, try adding this CSS:

    .fa {
        font-family: "FontAwesome" !important;

    Let us know any news, please.

    Have a nice day.

    Thread Starter jenked


    Okay I tried that first code, no results. I added the .fa code to it, still no results.

    I decided I would go into the plugin and change some settings around to see if I could get it to do anything. I had it set to Facebook official logo, and Envelope O. Neither was working.
    I changed facebook to a “neutral” sign – works. I change it back to Facebook Official symbol, doesn’t work. I try the Battery Half Full symbol – works. I try several other symbols – they all work. So I tried one of the other Facebook options – doesn’t work. None of the 3 Facebook symbols worked.

    I changed the email symbol to headphones – works fine. I changed it back to Envelope O – doesn’t work. I change it to just Envelope – works. Not sure why but I’ll take it.

    Any idea why the Facebook symbols aren’t working?

    Hello there,

    Thanks for your reply, we hope you’re doing well ??

    Analyzing your site in more detail, we could see that the problem is due to the libraries loaded by Elementor. To try to resolve this please insert the following code snippet into your active theme’s functions.php replacing the code my colleague sent you as the only difference is in the priority of the add_action function.

    if ( defined( 'YITH_WCWL' )) {
        if ( ! function_exists( 'ywfav_add_fontawesome' ) ) {
            function ywfav_add_fontawesome() {
                wp_enqueue_style( 'fontawsome', 'https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css' );
            add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'ywfav_add_fontawesome', 999 );

    Let us know any news, please.
    Have a nice day.

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