A temporary fix is in the main plugin file: bbp-style-pack.php
Copy Lines 403 & 404 and then comment it out like this (or delete them altogether):
// include(BSP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/includes/shortcodes.php');
// include(BSP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/includes/widgets.php');
Then paste those 2 lines within the “frontend-only files” starting on line 412, so it looks like this:
// frontend-only files
if ( ! is_admin() ) {
include(BSP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/includes/buddypress.php');
include(BSP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/includes/functions_bugs.php');
include(BSP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/includes/functions_topic_count.php');
include(BSP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/includes/shortcodes.php');
include(BSP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/includes/widgets.php');
This will be patched in the next release, but those code changes will hold you over until then.