• Resolved med103


    A few months ago I started getting a strange error message on my site and I couldn’t figure out what was going on. I also got an email about illegal activity on my site from Google. I was totally confused by both. I’ve been trying to upgrade my RSS feeds through feedburner and everything seemed to be broken. So this morning I did a view source and scrolled all the way down and sure enough there are tons of hidden links on my site and I can’t find them anywhere in my source code. Does anyone know how to fix this? Google has taken me out of the search results and none of my feeds work right. I need to fix this soon.
    Thank You,

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  • Well if so, then your domain has probably been blacklisted by Google.

    That’s… um… not good. As far as I know it’s virtually impossible to get a blacklisted website back to the list of websites indexed by Google.

    Register a new domain perhaps? And think about changing your host. If not, try and contact Google, have fun with that though…

    Before I offer any assistance ..

    <meta name=”generator” content=”WordPress 2.2.2″ /> <!– leave this for stats –>

    A few months ago …

    So this morning I …

    I think all of the above pretty well speaks for itself. ??

    How you fix it is by deleting all the files that are on your site except for your wp-config.php and upgrading WordPress.

    How you prevent that from reoccuring? Being a responsible webmaster is a good place to start. What you said above reeks of the opposite.

    PS: And Kudos to Google for slapping down sites like that, and the webmasters that (fail to) take care of them.

    Thread Starter med103


    I thought this was a place to get help, not get kicked when you are down. That is about the lowest form of response I would have expected.

    Well there isn’t much that you can do for your current domain…

    What whooami probably meant is that you should have reacted immediately after noticing those strange errors.

    As I said before, get a new domain, and maybe even a new host, then just point your readers to your “new” blog.

    Also, this is not a place where we, usually, discuss emotions ?? .

    Thread Starter med103


    I would like to direct your attention to this post where I tried to find out the cause of the errors https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/134703?replies=3 – the village idiot indeed.

    As it turns out, all I needed to do was update to 2.3.1 and the problem went away. I also resubmitted my site to google for reconsideration.

    I am glad I did not follow your advice.

    You also probably want to take a look at this.


    I guess you missed the part in your other thread where I replied? And you never posted back ..

    And you did follow my advice. Lets hope you continue to.

    As for being kicked. you werent kicked. What you were wasnt even admonished. Try to remember you do share the Internet with a lot of other people, and believe it or not, what you do (or dont do, in some cases) affects others. Thats not cliche, that’s a fact.

    If you were expecting a pat on the back, imagine this response:

    “Hey!! Good for you for deciding to take care of that three month old tumor on your back!! Good Job!!”

    Thread Starter med103


    They’re back at it again. After updating to 2.3.1 the problem went away, but now it is back. I have the which: no fetch code back on my site. I was reading https://tropicalseo.com/2007/andyhaganscom-hacked-can-you-help-me-out/ and it seems like the same sort of problem, however it seems to be related to Dreamhost. Could this now be related to BlueHost?

    If I do need to delete everything, would backing up the database present any problems for the new site?

    Last question, I had a directory on my site that was also hacked they placed a folder full of porn in it. should I put all new directories in the wp-content folder for better protection, or should I just add .htaccess files to them? The permissions are 755.

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