
    Hello, I need urgent help. My woo-commerce was working just fine and then now I get an endless load on my checkout page at in the payment order form. I have searched hi and low on the web for an answer to this and I did everything you guys have as an answer with changing the wp memory (I have 256 per my server), I switched plugins off and on, I looked for errors but I can’t figure it out. It was working just fine, woo-commerce needed an update I did so, and now this. Please help me with this I have an active site and I was about to buy a couple extensions from you guys but this has halted me two days; I know you guys require me to have purchased something for support but this is a very common thing as I can see and I am going to be a paying customer so can you please help me. Please tell me what I have to do, this was working fine, I am using the most up to date version of WP and my theme is the DYNAMIX theme.

    Thank you and I look forward to hearing back from you guys.


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  • Thread Starter LSME


    I will like to confirm that I followed Randommess’s advice and my checkout is now successfully working.

    Visit: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/woocommerce/developers/ and download 2.1.2

    Connect via FTP and upload all files from 2.1.2 download in assets/js/frontend to your /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/frontend and override all the files there.

    It works for me perfectly now, I guess this is a temporary fix until we hear from the plugin authors.

    I am going to leave the topic as unresolved until others confirm that this worked for them.



    Yes, LSME, this worked 100% for me. Go to your site using ftp and look in your plugins directory for woocommerce and then …/assets/js/frontend.

    I didn’t check which one of the js files wasn’t working correctly, instead I just rolled back that entire frontend directory. I didn’t roll back my entire woocommerce install to the previous versions, just the directory.



    The problem I’m having is that once you checkout and pay, you’re sent to a 404 page. The credit card is charged, but instead of a Thank You page or receipt the customer gets a 404 error. I’ve tried downgrading to 2.1.2, that didn’t work. I’ve tried turning off all plugins that didn’t work. I’ve changed themes. I’ve increased the memory limit.

    I don’t know what the problem could be. Has anyone experienced this error and know a fix?



    woocommerce 2.1.x has change the payment redirect url, make sure you change it too .




    Hi Guys Any updates on this as I’ having the same problem..my cart is stuck on #shipping on the checkout.

    Any ideas would help.




    I fixed my problem. I did some more reading and it was because of not flushing permalinks after each plugin re-activation.

    The problem plugin was 0$ Woocommerce Product Feed from here https://www.victorciobanu.com/ .

    First I disabled every plugin. Then I activated them one by one. After I activated each plugin I went to Settings > Permalinks and hit Save. This was the key and the reason why I wasn’t able to fix it earlier.



    I’m still having problems.

    I’ve tried overwriting the js files as above.

    I’ve even just tried WC 2.1.0 but I’m still getting the same error when I click “Place Order”

    Something is either missing in telling it what page to load with the [woocommerce_pay] shortcode on it or I’m missing the page somehow.

    Perhaps there’s a clue in the url that loads when the error pages loads?


    Thnaks if anyone can help.

    I’ve had no response from the Sagepay Form Gateway developer about compatibility.



    I tried looking for your my-account page and store but couldn’t find it.

    The error you had in the beginning sounded like what happened to me. The page with the endpoints I used to figure out my issue was https://mysite.com/my-account/edit-address/billing/ this page and every other page with the new endpoints led to a 404 error page. I realized after paying for 13 transactions on my site that this was an easier way to fix the issue than just keep ordering from myself.

    Have you tried disabling all of your plugins except for woocommerce? Then refreshing permalinks. Then use the edit-address page to confirm if the endpoints are working. Then once you see the page is working, activate SagePay. Then refresh permalinks again. If that works you can keep re-activating all of your plugins refreshing permalinks with each one until you find the culprit(s).



    New Version of Woo 2.1.4 out today seems to have fixed the issue with the jq conflict.. carts back working again..



    Its not working for me.. ??



    I can’t believe what a mess this update seems to have made of people’s websites.

    I also tried 2.1.4.

    I’m prepared to go back and start all over again. I guess I’ll have an out of date version of WC but at least it will work.

    If I deactivate it through the Dashboard, then delete all the files, I assume the database will still have settings etc so when it’s uploaded and activated again the settings will still be there and potentially wrong, as this is what seems to have happened when I try an older version now.

    How do I clear the database as well?

    I just had the same problem. 2.1.4 and 2.1.5 both had the icon just spinning. I followed randommess method and rolled back to 2.1.2 and my site is working again.

    Make sure you delete the entire frontend directory and then upload the 2.1.2 frontend directory. I tried doing it without deleting and the changes weren’t working because I wasn’t overriding the files in frontend because they weren’t last modified.

    I’m going crazy.

    I removed all Woocommerce plugins and then uploaded an old version 1.6.

    Now it works again, although I get an error in the Dashboard “blockui requires jquery v1.2.3 or later”

    At least it doesn’t affect the front end and I can work on this.

    After lots of research I think it’s down to the Sagepay Form plugin not being compatible, and the (un)helpful developers at Patsatech are not responding to my requests for help.

    Cheers guys.

    My case: I usually disable the default wordpress jquery, and also the plugins default jquery enqueue scripts, so I can have more control about how each WP plugin is enqueued in each page and load for them just one jquery version – the latest. Right.

    I solve (?) this problem just updating the jquery version to latest version – remember, all my WP plugins use just it. So, I think the problem is because there’s some jquery versions conflict, once some WP plugins, by default, call to a specific jquery version, not the most recent. Some sense?


    Thanks for the fix here. Replacing the frontend directory with the 2.1.2 directory and files and finally stopped the dreaded SPINNING Checkout.

    Hopefully Woo has this on their bug fix list. This was a completely new install of Woo on a new server with a fresh database. I’d anticipate some issues when upgrading on an existing install, but was surprised to run into this one. Everything should have been nice and clean.

    Appreciate the help here. This was driving me insane. Back in business now.

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