Woo Product Archives ignored – Guide to create End points
For any unkown reason, Woocommerce Product Archives are not showing on analytics. Nor category archives. This means the /store/ URLs and /cat/category1/ . However everything else appears correctly, including Woo products and Woo my-account area.
On my attempt to solve it myself, I’ve spent around 10 minutes searching on google how to create endpoints: Searched on 1) Koko analytics documentation, 2) GitHub and 3) the WordPress Plugin forums. All with no luck. I haven’t found a comprehensive guide to create them. Neither on the plugin Settings on Admin, that is the first place where I expected to start creating endpoints. 10 minutes after I found something interesting on the snippets here:
define(‘KOKO_ANALYTICS_CUSTOM_ENDPOINT’, ‘/path-to-your-custom-endpoint-file.php’);
and changed the path to ‘/store/’ but it didn’t worked.
Did the same on koko-analytics-collect.php located at the root of WP, but I got no results. Still unlisted.TThe process seems really complex, and after attempting to understand something, I abandon here after more than an hour lost, not before giving a chance to disabling all plugins (except Woocommerce and ACF) (and theme functions.php) while the error still was reproducing, so abandoned. I’ve a ton of work to complete, and understood that endpoints are not so straight and unclear, or maybe I’m in the wrong direction.
There is any straight guide to set custom end points somewhere? Or I’m experiencing a bug or plugin incompatibility with /store/ and /categories/ or I’m missing something?
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