• Dear author,

    I am wondering if it is possible to exclude certain pages from being cashed by varnish. I am struggling to get my Woocommerce Menu Cart Button to work on multisite.

    Basically I have 1 site in 4 languages. Each language version has it’s own woocommerce webshop. Each language version has a menu cart button in the header. The problem I am having:

    When adding a product to language version 1 woocommerce cart, it updates the cart menu button accordingly. But when I want to read a post in another language, I have to switch sites. After switching sites, the menucart button gets cashed and transferred to the other site, replacing the menu-cart-button on that particular page.

    I then have (for example) a German website with a header button that says 1 item added, in stead of whatever the German translation of that phrase may be. Clicking the button will take me back to the woocommerce shop that I have originally placed the order with.

    What I want it to do however, for each version of the site (languages), is clear the menu-cart cache, so that the appropriate menu-cart-button displays on the site it was intended for.

    Your help is much appreciated.



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