• Resolved buggy123



    I should like to organise Woocommerce products in separate folders. Will this be possible with WordPress Media Library Folders?



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  • Plugin Author AlanP57


    Yes, it should work. Do one product and check that your images links have be property updated in the product’s page.

    Thread Starter buggy123


    Hello Alan,

    Thanks. I checked and it worked (in the meantime, I bought it).
    Every is in the ‘upload’ folder. How can I add a location on the web server?

    With kind regards,


    Thread Starter buggy123


    Hello Alan,

    I saw I cannot add a folder outside wp-content. So I added a symbolic link to a folder with product subfolders in ‘uploads’. So now I have uploads/catalogus/0000001. But it does not work: I can see ‘catalogus’, but not the subfolder ‘000001’.
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 www www 33 Feb 13 14:17 catalogus@ -> /usr/local/www/apache24/catalogus
    Apache settings: Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch

    With kind regards,


    Thread Starter buggy123


    Hello Alan,

    Found it. Must enable Indexes and the owner of the files and folders must be the apache user.

    With kind regards,


    Plugin Author AlanP57


    Thanks, that is good to know. Note that if you need support for the Pro version you can post your questions at the support forum on MaxGalleria.com.

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