• Resolved Christopher


    In a clean multisite installation with WooCommerce 5.5 activated only on main site I get the following fatal error when I try to delete a user or a site:

    Fatal error: Uncaught RuntimeException: Error saving action: Error saving action: Table 'xxx.xxx_actionscheduler_actions' doesn't exist in /xxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/packages/action-scheduler/classes/migration/ActionScheduler_DBStoreMigrator.php:44 Stack trace: #0 /xxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/packages/action-scheduler/classes/data-stores/ActionScheduler_HybridStore.php(242): ActionScheduler_DBStoreMigrator->save_action(Object(ActionScheduler_Action), NULL) #1 /xxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/packages/action-scheduler/classes/ActionScheduler_ActionFactory.php(177): ActionScheduler_HybridStore->save_action(Object(ActionScheduler_Action)) #2 /xxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/packages/action-scheduler/classes/ActionScheduler_ActionFactory.php(84): ActionScheduler_ActionFactory->store(Object(ActionScheduler_Action)) #3 /home/cu in /xxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/packages/action-scheduler/classes/migration/ActionScheduler_DBStoreMigrator.php on line 44

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  • Plugin Support Gabriel – a11n


    Hi @christopherplus ??

    Have you tried installing the Action Scheduler plugin in order to generate that missing table? Here is a link to the plugin:


    Additionally, could you please share a copy of your site’s System Status? You can find it via WooCommerce > Status. Select “Get system report” and then “Copy for support”.? Once you’ve done that, paste it here in your response.


    Thread Starter Christopher


    WooCommerce is not activated on subsites so it shouldn’t check for a db table.

    I can’t access the status page because of the following issue:

    Mirko P.


    Hi there,

    This thread has been inactive for a bit, just checking if you were able to find a way forward with the issue. Also, there have been recent updates of WordPress and WooCommerce so you’ll want to get the latest versions. Back up your site before doing any changes.


    Plugin Support Sol J. a11n


    We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m going to mark this as resolved – we’ll be here if you’re still having the issue

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