Hi @gizo1989,
Thank you for reaching out, and I’m sorry to hear about the compatibility issues between the latest version of WooCommerce and third-party plugins like Elementor!
?The new Woocommerce 7.8.0. update has bugs, Probably with the new version of Elementor.
Before we continue, please note that from our side, we do not maintain compatibility between WooCommerce and third-party plugins like Elementor, but we’ll be happy to point you in the right direction with this!
As @rodelgc mentioned, the following is specified in the?WooCommerce 7.8 release notes and it is most likely the reason behind compatibility issues:
The Cart Fragments script, responsible for updating the cart widget after a successful add to cart event, can cause a performance issue on stores not making use of that functionality. To mitigate this, the script will now only be enqueued if using the Mini Cart widget.
It looks like plugins like Elementor and others that were written with the old WooCommerce code/functionality in mind will have to be updated to be compatible with the latest version of WooCommerce. As @juanjoalarcon38 mentioned, it sounds like this compatibility issue has already been addressed in version 3.14 of Elementor Pro.
As a temporary workaround (until the developers of the third-party plugins update the code on their side), it should be possible to address this compatibility issue via a code snippet suggested by @juanjoalarcon38 that enables the old functionality these plugins rely on.
The code snippet comes without a warranty from our side, but I hope this helps!
do you have any information about woocommerce payments account under review, how long it takes to complete this? I got that email from woocommerce payments just after I updated to woocommerce and woocommerce payments.
@mhcaboodle you’ll want to reach out to WooCommerce.com support directly and inquire about the status of your account:
Here in the forum, I can’t provide any specific information, but the following support document might help: