WooCommerce App Unable to connect
I cannot connect to my store via the WooCommerce app. I used to be able to fine. It is now saying “unable to successfully connect to Pebbles Boutique”
Any advice? I’ve tried disabling and reactivating Jetpack.
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
Do you remember making any changes right before the issue started? Could you please share a copy of your site’s System Status? You can find it via WooCommerce > Status. Select “Get system report” and then “Copy for support”.? Once you’ve done that, paste it here in your response.
Try removing the app from your phone and then adding it back. Reconnect that way if you haven’t already.
### WordPress Environment ### WordPress address (URL): https://shop.pebblesboutiqueuk.com Site address (URL): https://shop.pebblesboutiqueuk.com WC Version: 5.4.1 REST API Version: ? 5.4.1 WC Blocks Version: ? 5.4.0 Action Scheduler Version: ? 3.1.6 WC Admin Version: ? 2.3.1 Log Directory Writable: ? WP Version: 5.7.2 WP Multisite: – WP Memory Limit: 102 MB WP Debug Mode: – WP Cron: ? Language: en_GB External object cache: – ### Server Environment ### Server Info: Apache PHP Version: 7.4.20 PHP Post Max Size: 256 MB PHP Time Limit: 300 PHP Max Input Vars: 5000 cURL Version: 7.68.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1f SUHOSIN Installed: – MySQL Version: 5.5.5-10.3.29-MariaDB-1:10.3.29+maria~focal Max Upload Size: 256 MB Default Timezone is UTC: ? fsockopen/cURL: ? SoapClient: ? DOMDocument: ? GZip: ? Multibyte String: ? Remote Post: ? Remote Get: ? ### Database ### WC Database Version: 5.4.1 WC Database Prefix: shop_ Total Database Size: 286.34MB Database Data Size: 252.79MB Database Index Size: 33.55MB shop_woocommerce_sessions: Data: 4.02MB + Index: 0.11MB + Engine InnoDB shop_woocommerce_api_keys: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB shop_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB shop_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB shop_woocommerce_order_items: Data: 0.17MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB shop_woocommerce_order_itemmeta: Data: 4.05MB + Index: 4.13MB + Engine InnoDB shop_woocommerce_tax_rates: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB shop_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB shop_woocommerce_shipping_zones: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB shop_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_woocommerce_payment_tokens: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB shop_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB shop_woocommerce_log: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB shop_actionscheduler_actions: Data: 2.02MB + Index: 3.75MB + Engine InnoDB shop_actionscheduler_claims: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB shop_actionscheduler_groups: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB shop_actionscheduler_logs: Data: 2.02MB + Index: 2.03MB + Engine InnoDB shop_aiowps_events: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_aiowps_failed_logins: Data: 0.19MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_aiowps_global_meta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_aiowps_login_activity: Data: 0.08MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_aiowps_login_lockdown: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_aiowps_permanent_block: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_commentmeta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB shop_comments: Data: 1.02MB + Index: 0.42MB + Engine InnoDB shop_links: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB shop_mailchimp_carts: Data: 1.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_mailchimp_jobs: Data: 0.25MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_nf3_actions: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_nf3_action_meta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_nf3_chunks: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_nf3_fields: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_nf3_field_meta: Data: 0.05MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_nf3_forms: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_nf3_form_meta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_nf3_objects: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_nf3_object_meta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_nf3_relationships: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_nf3_upgrades: Data: 0.05MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_options: Data: 11.11MB + Index: 2.05MB + Engine InnoDB shop_postmeta: Data: 16.38MB + Index: 13.48MB + Engine InnoDB shop_posts: Data: 2.44MB + Index: 0.83MB + Engine InnoDB shop_termmeta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB shop_terms: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB shop_term_relationships: Data: 0.28MB + Index: 0.19MB + Engine InnoDB shop_term_taxonomy: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB shop_usermeta: Data: 3.52MB + Index: 3.97MB + Engine InnoDB shop_users: Data: 0.16MB + Index: 0.16MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wccs_conditions: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wccs_condition_meta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wcpdf_invoice_number: Data: 0.11MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wc_admin_notes: Data: 0.05MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wc_admin_note_actions: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wc_category_lookup: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wc_customer_lookup: Data: 0.17MB + Index: 0.13MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wc_download_log: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wc_order_coupon_lookup: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wc_order_product_lookup: Data: 0.22MB + Index: 0.23MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wc_order_stats: Data: 0.11MB + Index: 0.11MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wc_order_tax_lookup: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wc_product_meta_lookup: Data: 0.39MB + Index: 0.69MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wc_reserved_stock: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wc_tax_rate_classes: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wc_webhooks: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wdp_orders: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.05MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wdp_order_items: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wdp_rules: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wfblockediplog: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wfblocks7: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.05MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wfconfig: Data: 0.09MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wfcrawlers: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wffilechanges: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wffilemods: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wfhits: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.05MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wfhoover: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wfissues: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wfknownfilelist: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wflivetraffichuman: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wflocs: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wflogins: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wfls_2fa_secrets: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wfls_settings: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wfnotifications: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wfpendingissues: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wfreversecache: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wfsnipcache: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.05MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wfstatus: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wftrafficrates: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB shop_woof_query_cache: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB shop_wpml_mails: Data: 201.52MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB ### Post Type Counts ### attachment: 610 custom_order_status: 1 nav_menu_item: 17 nf_sub: 260 page: 7 post: 2 product: 158 product_variation: 2738 revision: 110 shop_coupon: 23 shop_order: 355 shop_order_refund: 403 sl-insta-feed: 1 wp_block: 1 ### Security ### Secure connection (HTTPS): ? Hide errors from visitors: ? ### Active Plugins (27) ### Acowebs Woocommerce Dynamic Pricing: by Acowebs – 3.7.0 All In One WP Security: by Tips and Tricks HQ Peter Petreski Ruhul Ivy – 4.4.8 Clearpay Gateway for WooCommerce: by Clearpay – 3.1.1 Custom Order Status for WooCommerce: by Tyche Softwares – 2.0.2 Easy WP SMTP: by wpecommerce alexanderfoxc – 1.4.6 Facebook for WooCommerce: by Facebook – 2.6.1 Jetpack: by Automattic – 9.8.1 Klarna Order Management for WooCommerce: by klarna krokedil – 1.6.7 Klarna Payments for WooCommerce: by krokedil klarna automattic – 2.5.1 Mailchimp for WooCommerce: by Mailchimp – 2.5.1 Ninja Forms: by Saturday Drive – 3.5.5 one.com themes and plugins: by one.com – 0.8.6 Performance Cache: by one.com – 0.2.11 Storefront Footer Bar: by WooThemes – 1.0.4 Storefront Hamburger Menu: by WooCommerce – 1.2.2 Storefront Homepage Contact Section: by WooThemes – 1.0.5 Storefront Mega Menus: by WooCommerce – 1.6.2 Storefront Parallax Hero: by WooCommerce – 1.5.7 Storefront Powerpack: by WooCommerce – 1.5.0 (update to version 1.6.1 is available) Storefront Product Sharing: by WooCommerce – 1.0.6 WooCommerce Blocks: by Automattic – 5.4.0 WooCommerce Stripe Gateway: by WooCommerce – 5.2.3 WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips: by Ewout Fernhout – 2.9.0 WOOF - WooCommerce Products Filter: by realmag777 – WooCommerce Shipping & Tax: by WooCommerce – 1.25.14 WooCommerce: by Automattic – 5.4.1 WP Mail Logging: by MailPoet – 1.9.7 ### Inactive Plugins (3) ### Storefront Pricing Tables: by WooCommerce – 1.1.0 Storefront Product Hero: by WooThemes – 1.2.13 Yoast SEO: by Team Yoast – 16.6 ### Settings ### API Enabled: ? Force SSL: – Currency: GBP (£) Currency Position: left Thousand Separator: , Decimal Separator: . Number of Decimals: 2 Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external) grouped (grouped) simple (simple) variable (variable) Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog) exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search) featured (featured) outofstock (outofstock) rated-1 (rated-1) rated-2 (rated-2) rated-3 (rated-3) rated-4 (rated-4) rated-5 (rated-5) Connected to WooCommerce.com: ? ### WC Pages ### Shop base: #6 - /shop/ Basket: #7 - /basket/ Checkout: #8 - /checkout/ My account: #9 - /my-account/ Terms and conditions: ? Page not set ### Theme ### Name: Galleria Version: 2.2.18 Author URL: https://woocommerce.com Child Theme: ? Parent Theme Name: Storefront Parent Theme Version: 3.3.0 – 3.7.0 is available Parent Theme Author URL: https://woocommerce.com/ WooCommerce Support: ? ### Templates ### Overrides: – ### Action Scheduler ### Canceled: 5 Oldest: 2021-06-05 22:02:49 +0100 Newest: 2021-06-14 16:23:08 +0100 Complete: 5,447 Oldest: 2021-05-30 08:17:26 +0100 Newest: 2021-06-30 06:14:00 +0100 Failed: 10 Oldest: – Newest: – Pending: 3 Oldest: 2021-06-30 06:18:23 +0100 Newest: 2021-07-01 05:20:08 +0100 ### Status report information ### Generated at: 2021-06-30 06:18:35 +01:00
Thank you for the system status report, your site looks a-ok in terms of configuration.
Have you tried Stef’s advice yet?> Try removing the app from your phone and then adding it back. Reconnect that way if you haven’t already.
Kind regards,
I have yes. On multiple occasions unfortunately. I’ve also disconnected jet pack and reconnected that too.
Any other suggestions?
Hi there ??
Well, that’s strange. By any chance, have you updated any plugins recently? If so, I’d suggest disabling it or even disabling all the plugins to see if this issue isn’t caused by a plugin interfering in the process.
Keep us posted ??
Wrong post
I tend to have my plugins update automatically. Do you suggest disabling them all, seeing if it works, then reactivating one by one?
Oh, I see!
Do you suggest disabling them all, seeing if it works, then reactivating one by one?
Yep, exactly!
Please keep us posted, we will be more than happy to help moving forward. ??
We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m going to mark this as resolved – we’ll be here if and/or when you are ready to continue.
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