Hi @randhirdto
I have just bought one theme and want to add 1 million products, can anyone tell me, wocommerce can hold upto 1 million products, if yes/no then what I will have to do?
This is an interesting question and not easily answered with a short answer.
Yes, on a basic level, WooCommerce can hold 1 million products with some changes to storage.
The real question you want to ask is around order processing.
You can have 1 million products loaded on your site and 1 sale a day, your site will have hardly any problems as long as you don’t load many products on each page the customer visits.
If you have 10 products but you have hundreds/thousands of orders an hour, that is when you could run into trouble.
A big misconception is around WooCommerce and “number of products” it can handle. The real question is whether your server/hosting can handle the daily traffic and order processing you will have.
Here are some links and a video related directly to your question:
– https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-scaling-faqs/
– https://www.wpintense.com/2016/08/16/scaling-woocommerce-1-million-products-talk-wordcamp-brighton/
– https://hollerwp.com/scaling-woocommerce/
For questions like this, we like to suggest some experts who can help out – https://woocommerce.com/experts/