Woocommerce: can't change images size and can't change page width. Help!
I’m new to wordpress so I’m sorry if this is an easy question. I’ve researched and tried a lot of things before coming here to ask for help…
I’m setting a shop in my site using woocommerce. I have the shop all set up, but there are 2 things I wasn’t able to correct:
1. Thumbnails size in the products category pages, like this one:
https://floraplantes.ca/categorie-produit/verreI’ve changed the size for the thumbnails in the settings (both worpdress media settings and woocommerce settings) and I’ve used 2 different plugins to try and resize the thumbnails ( “Regenerate Thumbnails” and “Force Regenerate Thumbnails”) byt they didn’t change at all. ??
2. The width of the shop pages
I’m using theme TwentyFourteen and I have hidden both side bars, so maybe that’s why woo commerce is not as wide as the other content in my pages.
Example here:
https://floraplantes.ca/produit/polyedre-30Can anyone help me with these 2 things, specially #1?
Any help will be very much appreciated!
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