• Hi after a long search I found this grem, I just need it to show a specific sidebar based on the Woocoomecre category page,, please add the ability to select the product categories. I’m sure allot of people will benefit form this as well.

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  • Hi there,

    You can add support for any custom types or taxonomies using a filter:

    // Add Conditional Widgets support to both front and back ends
    add_filter(‘conditional_widgets_type_tax_pairs’, ‘my_conditional_widget_type_tax_pairs’ );

    function my_conditional_widget_type_tax_pairs( $pairs_array ) {

    $my_custom_pair = array(‘tax’=>’my_tax_slug’, ‘type’=>’my_post_type’);
    $pairs_array[] = $my_custom_pair;
    return $pairs_array;


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