I got this to work by adding a woocomerce left and woocomerce right sidebar via hueman theme options.
I then created a sidebar-shop.php file in the hueman child theme (woocommerce recognises the file). Then created another file shop-sidebar-2.php in the child theme and referenced that in the first file.
I basically just copied the code from normal hueman sidebar.php and sidebar-2.php into these files and changed any references to $sidebar to the woocommerce left and right sidebars that I created via the theme options.
You can then add widgets via the appearance widgets page.
$sidebar = "sidebar-wooleft";
$layout = alx_layout_class();
if ( $layout != 'col-1c'):
<div class="sidebar s1">
<a class="sidebar-toggle" title="<?php _e('Expand Sidebar','hueman'); ?>"><i class="fa icon-sidebar-toggle"></i></a>
<div class="sidebar-content">
<div class="sidebar-top group" align="center">
<p style="text-align: center;">TEST<a href="/dug-shop/" title="Dug Gift Shop">Shop</a> - <a href="/dog-events/" title="Dog Events in Scotland">Events</a> - <a href="/dog-walkers-trainers-pet-shops/">Directory</a> - <a href="/the-dug-gallery/">Gallery</a></p>
<?php if ( ot_get_option( 'post-nav' ) == 's1') { get_template_part('inc/post-nav'); } ?>
<?php if( is_page_template('page-templates/child-menu.php') ): ?>
<ul class="child-menu group">
<?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&sort_column=menu_order&depth=3'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php dynamic_sidebar($sidebar); ?>
<?php if (
( $layout == 'col-3cm' ) ||
( $layout == 'col-3cl' ) ||
( $layout == 'col-3cr' ) )
{ get_template_part('shop-sidebar-2'); }
<?php endif; ?>
<?php $sidebar = "sidebar-wooright"; ?>
<div class="sidebar s2">
<a class="sidebar-toggle" title="<?php _e('Expand Sidebar','hueman'); ?>"><i class="fa icon-sidebar-toggle"></i></a>
<div class="sidebar-content">
<div class="sidebar-top group" align="center">
<p><?php _e('','hueman'); ?></p>
<div align="center"><?php alx_social_links() ; ?></div>
<?php if ( ot_get_option( 'post-nav' ) == 's2') { get_template_part('inc/post-nav'); } ?>
<?php dynamic_sidebar($sidebar); ?>
There is likely a better way but hey this displays different sidebars in woocommerce shop to the rest of the site.