WooCommerce default address fields customization
I customized Woocomerce’s default address fields. I selected the Address1 and City fields.
Fields save data seamlessly. When the first page is loaded in the My Account>Address>Address edit, these fields appear empty. Same thing at checkout. Normally, when these fields are input, if the user has registered data, these fields are filled. But I tried many things in the select, but it didn’t work.
// Checkout field update güncelle function custom_override_checkout_fields_plugin( $fields ) { global $tr_cities; $fields['shipping']['shipping_state']['type'] = 'select'; $fields['shipping']['shipping_state']['options'] = array_merge( array( '' => 'Bir se?enek belirleyin...' ), $tr_cities ); $fields['shipping']['shipping_state']['class'] = array('form-row-wide', 'address-field', 'update_totals_on_change', 'validate-required', 'state_select'); $fields['shipping']['shipping_city']['type'] = 'select'; $fields['shipping']['shipping_city']['options'] = array('' => '?nce il se?in...'); $fields['shipping']['shipping_city']['class'] = array('form-row-wide', 'address-field', 'update_totals_on_change', 'validate-required', 'city_select'); $fields['shipping']['shipping_address_1']['type'] = 'select'; $fields['shipping']['shipping_address_1']['options'] = array('' => '?nce il?e se?in...'); $fields['shipping']['shipping_address_1']['class'] = array('form-row-wide', 'address-field', 'update_totals_on_change', 'validate-required', 'address_select'); return $fields; } add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields', 'custom_override_checkout_fields_plugin' ); // My Account field update function custom_override_my_account_fields_plugin( $address ) { global $tr_cities; $address['state']['type'] = 'select'; $address['state']['options'] = array_merge( array( '' => 'Bir se?enek belirleyin...' ), $tr_cities ); $address['state']['class'] = array('form-row-wide', 'address-field', 'update_totals_on_change', 'validate-required', 'state_select'); $address['city']['type'] = 'select'; $address['city']['options'] = array('' => '?nce il se?in...'); $address['city']['class'] = array('form-row-wide', 'address-field', 'update_totals_on_change', 'validate-required', 'city_select'); $address['address_1']['type'] = 'select'; $address['address_1']['options'] = array('' => '?nce il?e se?in...'); $address['address_1']['class'] = array('form-row-wide', 'address-field', 'update_totals_on_change', 'validate-required', 'address_select'); return $address; } add_filter( 'woocommerce_default_address_fields', 'custom_override_my_account_fields_plugin' ); //load city function load_districts() { check_ajax_referer('checkout_nonce', 'nonce'); global $tr_districts; $city_code = sanitize_text_field($_POST['city_code']); if (isset($tr_districts[$city_code])) { wp_send_json_success($tr_districts[$city_code]); } else { wp_send_json_error('Ge?ersiz il kodu'); } } add_action('wp_ajax_load_districts', 'load_districts'); add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_load_districts', 'load_districts'); //js code jQuery(document).ready(function($) { function loadDistricts(cityCode) { if (!cityCode) return; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: checkout_params.ajax_url, data: { action: 'load_districts', city_code: cityCode, nonce: checkout_params.nonce }, success: function(response) { if (response.success) { var options = '<option value="">Bir il?e se?in...</option>'; $.each(response.data, function(index, district) { options += '<option value="' + district + '">' + district + '</option>'; }); $('#shipping_city').html(options).trigger('change'); } else { alert(response.data); } } }); }
When we use the address 1 and city fields as selections, the registered data will be selected when the pages are first loaded.
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