• Resolved joyryde


    Hello –

    I’m not sure how to resolve this issue that I am having with the gallery zoom feature.

    When I view a product page with Firefox, the zoom feature works fine.

    When I view a product page with Chrome or Safari, the zoom doesn’t work. It might work for less than 1 second on page load, but after that it just sort of smudges the product image 2 millimeters in any direction, rather than zooming.

    Example product page:

    I’ve disabled Cloudflare. Doesn’t fix it.
    I’ve disabled every minification and css/script mergin plugin. Doesn’t fix it.
    I’ve completely deleted my caching plugin. Doesn’t fix it.

    I’m not sure where else to ask but here, so hopefully someone can take a look and let me know what the issue might be. I can see on the page that all of the relevant css and scripts are loading for this so I have no idea why it’s only working in Firefox.

    <script type='text/javascript' src='https://djdeals.com/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/zoom/jquery.zoom.min.js'></script>
    <script type='text/javascript'>
    /* <![CDATA[ */
    var wc_single_product_params = {"i18n_required_rating_text":"Please select a rating","review_rating_required":"yes","flexslider":{"rtl":false,"animation":"slide","smoothHeight":true,"directionNav":false,"controlNav":"thumbnails","slideshow":false,"animationSpeed":500,"animationLoop":false,"allowOneSlide":false},"zoom_enabled":"1","photoswipe_enabled":"","photoswipe_options":{"shareEl":false,"closeOnScroll":false,"history":false,"hideAnimationDuration":0,"showAnimationDuration":0},"flexslider_enabled":""};
    /* ]]> */

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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