Woocommerce i try to help myself get more knowledge on SQL but i doesn't work
i try to help myself before ask for other help i read I create a simple table report of plugin but can’t satisfy with my price table report i try to sql woocommerce database with this SELECT p.id, p.post_title, m.meta_key, m.meta_value FROM wp_posts p INNER JOIN wp_postmeta m WHERE p.id=m.post_id AND m.meta_key=’_price’ on wp_post and wp_postmeta table to get table with Product ID’name but it result like this how to change variation #xxx to be attributes for example Variation #951 of IPAD RETINA to be “BLACK WW+THAI WARRANTY WIFI only and 064GB” what is the sql statement to get that result. the best for your plugin for me it because i can help people to see realtime result change to the price table in my website before that i search every plugin wordpress untill i found your plugin sorry the long explain i already buy smart manager for woocommerce but unfortunately i backend table not for vistors in website. thank you for helping us . i’m very confuse about inner join or insert on w3school lesson. thank you very much for any generousity.
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