• We have set up a WooCommerce online store on a WordPress website using the Virtue theme and are using Aallaerd Mensonides’ “woocommerce-csvimport-customfields” for the import of product details (being the only plugin we could find that enables us to display Recommended Retail Prices for products).

    The online store is working well and we are successfully importing the RRPs and most other data required for the products, but have a problem with the import of category and subcategory details for those products for which we want them to be in a subcategory.

    When these products are being bulk imported, the imported products ARE displaying on the correct category and sub-category pages but:
    (1) they are not appearing in the category and sub-category counts in the WooCommerce product category administration area, and
    (2) they are not appearing in the category summaries that are driven
    by the short codes [product_categories parent=”0″] or [product_categories number=”102″ parent=”0″].

    However, we have found that the two problems (1 and 2 above) can be
    overcome by manually removing each category and sub-category tick on each product administration page, saving the changes, then re-adding the ticks and saving the changes. Obviously we don’t want to have to do this for many hundreds (or thousands) of products.

    We have checked that we have the details correct in our csv imports by
    checking that they match exactly to the details that are generated by a csv export from the site of the same products that had been loaded individually and were displaying correctly.

    The relevant columns and data exported are set up in the csv imports and exports as:

    Our other tests have included deactivating all non-WooCommerce plugins, and substituting the TwentyFourteen theme, but the same problems occurred.

    We would be appreciate advice or ideas to remedy our problems.


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